Chapter 17

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If you guys ever have any suggestions for the story, I'll be glad to hear them. Now onward to this chapter!

      Lysandre was there when it happened. He hadn't even made it to his office yet when his carefully established hideout began shaking. He didn't know what was causing it but he had a feeling that the boy he had been questioning had something to do with it.

      He had quickly walked back to the place where he had just left not so long ago. Why should he run? The boy wasn't that important to him. All he needed was the girl with the power. Yveltal himself had brought him the information on the girl even if it was to save his own skin.

         It had been five years ago when Team Flare had caught the pokémon and planned their remaking of the world. Yveltal had somehow escaped but later returned with files about a child that had displayed abnormal activity years ago. How the pokémon of death had gotten the files, Lysandre didn't know. That pokémon had very strange ways.

        Since Yveltal was the pokémon of death, Lysandre figured that the pokémon wouldn't mind dying at all. He had still been walking when he heard the voices of people calling the name of the very girl he was after.

       Before he was able to quicken his pace or even try running, part of the ceiling fell down in front of him with a loud boom. Lysandre had just lost his opportunity to get the source of power that he had been trying to obtain for years.

      He was now sitting in his office, three days later, thinking about what he would do next. Two days earlier, the day after (y/n)'s short visit, the boy came back. He looked quite different. His eyes were red, blue, and yellow all at once and he had gained tattoos of chains around his neck and wrists.

        He had come back to Team Flare's beaten up base and had found Lysandre in his office and his glare was far more intimidating than the day before. Lysandre only had time to stand before a pokémon that he had never seen before materialized out of thin air next to the boy. The boy had walked towards his desk and stopped when he was about three feet away. The pokémon followed and floated right behind him.

      It wasn't the boy that spoke, however. Or at least it didn't sound like the same boy. Lysandre found himself sitting back down. He even relaxing a bit because this pokémon reminded him of his ally Yveltal. Just like Yveltal, Lysandre guessed that this pokémon had come to bargain with him.

      "You don't seem to be afraid of me. That will make this easier. I am Necrozma, the pokémon that you see before you. I have possessed this boy and he will no longer be of any concern to you. As for the girl, (y/n). I will be the one to obtain her power and not you but I am willing to make a compromise."

      "I will allow you to use her for your little plan although I doubt it will succeed. The amount of power that this girl possesses is far greater than you know. When your plans do fail or even if they succeed, you will give me the girl and I will take her power. Do I make myself clear?" the boy, who apparently was being used by the pokémon as a communication tool, told him.

      Lysandre liked Necrozma's idea only because he was letting him win. He knew for a fact that his plan would work. All he had to do was awaken the girl's power to the max and use it to carry out his plan. Lysandre closed his eyes for a moment and reopened them with his mind now made up.

        "I like your plan, but there are a few questions I want to ask you." When there was no response from the Necrozma, Lysandre figured it was safe to continue. "If you are possessing this boy and he is close to (y/n) quite often, I would like to use him as a spy. He can be used to gather valueable information. How often can you get him here to relay that information if you agree to my offer?" Lysandre said.

      The pokémon gave him an awful sound that he assumed was his evil laugh or something along those lines. Only then did Necrozma use the boy to speak to him.

        "I agree with your proposal. I think he will serve as an excellent spy. You won't have to wait for the information to come to you at all. I will come here when I please. It was a pleasure to use you," Necrozma said. Lysandre found it funny that Necrozma thought he was using him to gain something when in truth, Necrozma was the one being used.

         "One more thing before you leave. What is his name? I still have morals and it wouldn't be right for me to use him if I didn't know his name," Lysandre said before Necrozma could leave.

      "Gladion." It was all Necrozma said as his pokémon form vanished just like when it had arrived. Lysandre returned his gaze to the boy who he would now call by his name. Gladion was crying. Several streams of tears ran down his face and yet somehow Lysandre could not find it in his heart to feel sorry for him.

      Lysandre only viewed him as a tool for him to use in order to save the rest of the world from the very thing Gladion was going through and then some. Necrozma truely did have control over the boy.

         Lysandre had taken notice of how Gladion slightly shook as he faught for control over himself. That was the last thing he saw before Gladion left that day.

     That was how that day had gone. The day afterwards, Gladion returned with news that (y/n) was still at a pokémon center recuperating from her previous actions. He sent some of his grunts to retrieve her but they had come back empty handed and reported that the gym leader had stopped them.

      Lysandre wondered how the gym leader even knew the girl since she had just gotten here, but it didn't matter to him for long. The gym leader, although quite formidable, could only do so much to foil his plans.

         Besides, Lysandre had long since figured out his weakness just in case he would ever interfere with his plans. All he needed to do was threaten the boy's sister and that problem would be solved.

      One day later, he sat in his office waiting for new information when one of his admins came to him and said that Yveltal had been in the city.

        "Did he take anyone?" was all Lysandre said. He knew Yveltal wouldn't show up without a reason.

        "Yes, the grunts that were there when it happened said that a girl and a boy were taken but no one else."

        Lysandre frowned. "That traitorous pokémon thinks he can steal the power for himself. He won't get away with it," he muttered to himself.

      And with that, Lysande picked up the receptor for the tracking device that he had planted onto Gladion just yesterday and turned it on. Gladion's location was displaying proudly onto the screen.

        It was in a thick forest that would take time to get too since it was surounded by a cave which exit's led to the almost hidden place. Many had gone through the cave only to find themselves coming back out where they had started.

      "I am not impatient. I will wait until they return. It will only be a matter of time. Go prepare the operation. We should be able to launch before a week has passed," Lysandre told the admin. Lysandre himself began to relax once more and he began daydreaming about the new world that he would create using (y/n)'s power.

        "No one will have to suffer anymore once I am done remaking this world," he said with satisfaction. He would be patient and wait so that he could make his dream a reality.

So I now realize that I made Lysandre seem a lot crueler than he actually is. Sorry about that but it made the plot better to me so...but anyway. Let me know if you see any spelling, grammer, and etc and I will gladly fix it. Until next time!

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