Let It Roll

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Lauren's POV

"So she just invited some random guy to sit with us?" Rubi asked as she stared at the lunch in front of her.

"He's not random he's Jack Barakat." I stated stealing some of Matt's food when he turned away.

"You act like you're in love with him." Rubi said with her arms crossed.

"Dude, have you met my boyfriend. He would gut him like a fish if I was in love with him." I smiled hitting Matt back into reality. "Shhh here he comes." I waved at the boy who just entered the lunch room. I really wanted to eat lunch with him because I saw him and Mr.Gaskarth kissing, Mr.Gaskarth is my neighbor and I do my fair share of stalking.

"Hey guys." The boy with dark hair smiles and shakily sits down next to Rubi.

"Alright Rubi do the thing." I smile guesting to the girl across from me. Rubi turned her body towards Jack and touched his forehead.

"You just joined a gang." She smiled. "Don't worry this is a nice gang. Whatever we talk about can not be spoken about to anyone else if you do, we will personal burn your house down." She finishes. "Also I'm Rubi."

Jack just looked at me in confusion.

"Sorry babe, it's just a thing we have to do." I stated. I frowned because Matt was so caught up in the person next to us that he didn't even get angry that I called Jack 'babe' "Um so anyway, Mr.Gaskarth huh? He's hot." Rubi nodded in agreement.

"Oh no we're not a thing or anything, I mean he is hot and stuff but he's a teacher." He shook his hands.

"Honey please I saw you two kissing. The teach and I are neighbors I can see everything. Don't worry we think it's cute. Right Matt." I smacked the boy next to me. The un known dude he was talking to has disappeared and his attention was back to us.

"Sorry babe." He kissed my cheek.

"Ew." Rubi and Jack cringed. I shushed them as Mr.Gaskarth walked over to our table.  He walked behind Jack and put a hand on his shoulder. I smirked at the mans action.

"Hello my young students." He smiled at us. Rubi gave a simple wave and Matt just nodded.

"Ayy teachy, so have you found any dudes how you think are hot yet." I talked to Mr.Gaskarth as if he was just another student.

"Hmmm well there is this one guy, but we can't be together." He tighten the grip on his Jack's shoulder just a little hopping no one would notice but I notice everything.

"Aw why can't you be together?" Rubi sounded oblivious even though she clearly wasn't. A small smile formed on both Jack and Mr.Gaskarth's lips.

"Oh you know the law." Then he lowered himself down to Jack's ear and whispered something I could not here then walked off.

We all just sat and looked at each other a little. Jack's eyes were wide and he stuttered some words.

"Um I gotta go." he shook his head.

"Here take my number we'll all hang out later. Have fun." I handed him the already prepared piece of paper with the 10 numbers on it and winked. He smiled and hurried off. "There so gonna fuck." I smiled to myself then started a conversation with Rubi and Matt about moving to Cat Island or something just wondering what was happening back in that tiny music room with Jack and the teach.

Rubi~ @babydino8

Matt~ @anal_ashby

me~ the greatest person ever.

Have a lovely day


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