Part 1

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There's a new worker. That was the words whispered throughout the business office at the local hospital. Everyone was excited because the previous CFO had quit rather suddenly and left everyone in a lurch. A steady stream of applicants had been through the door over the past month. It had gotten to the point where it was feared that no one would be hired to take the place of William "Willy" Neslen.

The day had arrived when the new hire would actually come to work. Sorcha was super excited to see who her new coworker was. She had dressed nice today hoping to impress. Sorcha figured it was one of the older men that had been interviewed. She remembered seeing some young ones come through, but none that struck her interest. There was always that chance that a guy would come through here and catch her interest, but so far all Sorcha ever dealt with were people who were either too young for her, already attached, or too old.

Six forty-five came early on that fateful Friday. It was early April and the weather was still trying to decide if it wanted to be warm and sunny or cold and dreary. Sorcha pulled her light shawl about her shoulders as she walked from her ten year old car to the employee entrance. A shiver coursed through Sorcha as she typed in the code to get into the hospital before the gently breeze snagged her shawl and pulled it away.

"Morning," Sorcha chorused to one of the kitchen workers as she clocked in. A few more good mornings were exchanged as she walked down the hallway to the business office where she worked. She stood at the business office door and dug her work keys out of her leather purse she snagged on sale at Maurices last month.

Lights pinged and sang as Sorcha flipped them on. The heater was on in the main office where her coworkers sat and in the tiny office she had. Sorcha sat her purse, keys, phone, water bottle, and shawl down on her desk before she went and shut off both heaters. She fanned herself as she headed back out the door to grab papers from the lab, go to the bathroom, and fill up her water bottle.

Sorcha chatted easily with the lab techs as she grabbed her papers and walked with them back through the hospital. She wished the nurses a good day as she headed back to her desk. Sorcha opened her blinds and cracked the window for a cool morning breeze before she turned on her computer and opened the sliding glass door that signaled that the hospital was open for business.

Sorcha had an hour to hour and a half before any of her coworkers started to arrive. Sorcha spent that time getting caught up on the day's news and writing. There was work that Sorcha could do, but if she started on it right away she would run out of stuff to do by nine o'clock. The time passed quickly and before Sorcha knew it, it was eight o'clock. Sorcha emailed what she wrote to her and started to get to work. Each time a coworker came in, they would say good morning to her as they walked by her door. Sorcha wished them all a good morning and updated them on anything special that she knew was going on throughout the day that they might need to know. Sorcha was waiting to see who the new CFO was because when William Nelsen had been hired he had been introduced to them before he spent the day in orientation.

Sorcha had a long line of six people when the new CFO showed up. Sorcha noticed the hot guy waiting in line, but thought that he was just another patient waiting to sign in for some labs or x-ray. As he stepped up, Sorcha gave him a welcoming smile and greeted him warmly.

"What can I do for you today?"

The man raised an eyebrow before he spoke. "My name is Calleach O'Brien and I'm the new CFO."

Sorcha blinked in surprise before she told him to have a seat. As Calleach turned away Sorcha got up and went to see if the CEO was here. The door was open and Sorcha knocked lightly on the door before she stuck her head around the corner. "The new CFO is here."

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