Part 20

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The party/family gathering was such a hit, that people were still talking about it a month later. Ella got dozens of calls asking if she could set up parties or help decorate for one. Ella was so excited that she was literally bouncing off of the walls for days. Ella was the first one to officially find something to do as a career with Calleach's family.

Sorcha had tossed her idea about being a secretary to Calleach a day after the party. He seemed to think it was a good idea. It was something Sorcha knew how to do and the O'Brien family needed someone who could keep track of everything.

"What's this surprise you've been talking about Calleach?" Annoyance dripped from Sorcha's voice as Calleach led her through the keep blindfolded.

"Just hold yer horses lass." Calleacha's accent became thick and sexy.

"You've been leading me around like this for over an hour and," Sorcha pointed out. "I scraped my knees too."

"Ye weren't supposed to fall and I kissed them both for you, didn't I?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't have fallen if you hadn't blinded me."

Cool air greeted Sorcha as Calleach opened up another door. She never thought about how many doors were in Cal's house till now. Calleach pulled her through the door and closed it behind them. Sorcha tok a few tentative steps forward hoping that she didn't trip over something. Calleach took her hands in his rough hands which always surprised her. Sorcha was still trying to figure out why Calleach's hands were so rough when he was an accountant.

"Calleach." Sorcha breathed as he led her farther into what must be a room.

"You'll like this surprise Sorcha. I've thought about this since the party."

Calleach stopped walking forcing Sorcha to stop or she'd run into him. Caleach let go of her hands before he removed the blindfold. Calleach's warm gaze met Sorcha's before he stepped back so she could study the room they stood in.

It was three times the size of Sorcha's office back home which had been big enough for a desk, two chairs, and for handicapped people to move around comfortably in. A window graced the wall opposite the door while an ornate desk that looked antique sat beneath it. One wall was lned with filling cabinets while a bookshelf rested against the remaining wall. A rug lay on the floor while a few pictures and a mirror hung on the wall.

"You can decorate the walls however you want to. The mirror belonged to Cal's mother and the paintings were done by a distant relative fifty years ago."

Sorcha turned and gave Calleach a confused look. "What is all of this Calleach?"

Calleach gave Sorcha one of his sy smiles that he gave her when he was trying to do something sweet. "You were talking about maybe being a secretary for the O'Brien family." Calleach motioned to the desk. "Now you can. The filing cabinets are done in alphabetical order and there are half a dozen jump drives in the top right hand drawer filled with important information pertaining to business adventures of the O'Brien family."

Sorcha looked at Calleach in stunned silence. It took a few moments for Sorcha to find her voice. "You did all this for me?"

"It's what you wanted and you can set your own hours."

Sorcha wrapped her arms around Calleach and hugged him tight. She gave him a lingering kiss. "Thank you so much Calleach."

Calleach chuckled before he returned her kiss. "You are most welcome."

A bright smile stretched across Sorcha's face as she grinned up at Calleach. She pulled away from him and began pulling open filing cabinet drawers. Each folder in every drawer was labeled in Calleach's bold handwriting. Sorcha opened several and then closed then before moving over to the desk.

The chair was heavy as Sorcha pulled it out so that she could sit down. The desk drawers moved easily as Sorcha opened and closed each one looking to see what was in them. A variety of notepads, pens, pencils, and sticky notes lay ready and waiting for Sorcha to use.

"It's perfect Calleach." Sorcha turned and looked over to where Calleach leaned against the door. "You didn't' forget anything."

A satisfied smirk crossed Calleach's face. "I paid attention to more than just your pretty face when I talked to you each morning at work."

Sorcha got up and crossed the room to hug and kiss Calleach again.

"Now shoo." Sorcha made a shooing motion with both hands. "I've got work to do. I want to familiarize myself with all of the information you've presented to me."

Calleach laughed quietly as he moved away from the door so that he could open it. "I bought you a new Ipod that you can keep in here. Zefora and Ella helped me load it with music."

Sorcha couldn't help but kiss Calleach again before she pushed him out of the rom. "I'll see you at supper," Sorcha said as she shut the door in Calleach's face."

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