Part 15

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The weather turned cold and drizzly a few hours after they had landed. It lasted all through the night and into the next day. Sorcha expected it to last a day or two, but on the sixth day she was tired of the weather. She wanted sunny weather for a change. And warmth. You can't forget warm sunny days.

Sorcha stared grumpily out the window of the huge library Calleach's uncle had. The library was amazing. Floor to ceiling windows marched down one entire wall opening the library up and giving those in the library a breathtaking view of the ocean. Row upon row of bookshelves strode proudly down the length of the library. There had to be at least thirty bookshelves set three deep between the windows and the huge double doors that opened into the library. A huge fireplace dominated the eastern wall with tables and chairs set comfortably in front of it.

An ache had started in Sorcha's right knee just as the weather had dipped. It hadn't let up and seemed to be getting worse. Sorcha loved the cold and rain, but it was playing havoc with her knee. Rain splattered against the window as a gust of wind rattled them. Sorcha flipped her long braided hair over her shoulder and snuggled underneath the plaid blanket Calleach had given her.

"I thought I might find you here." Ella came flouncing across the library to plop in a cushioned chair next to Sorcha. "The weather's awful isn't it?"

Sorcha shrugged. "We've experienced Scottish weather before, but even this is ridiculous. I guess it's because we're on the Orkney Islands."

"Your knee's bothering you again isn't it."

Ella was staring at the hand that Sorcha was using to massage her knee. It was something she did self consciously. She wasn't even aware a lot of the time that she was massaging it.

"It's been bothering me since we got here."

Regret settled upon Ella's face like fog over water. "I'm so sorry Sorcha. I didn't know that know that Ian had warrants out for his arrest. If I did, I would never have gone to meet him. I just wanted someone who would take me away from Mom and Dad."

Sorcha shifted in her chair trying to find a more comfy spot. "I'm sure that you'll meet a lot of boys here and these are boys that we don't know."

Ella settled back in her chair. "If they are half as handsome as Calleach then I will consider myself lucky."

A giggle escaped Sorcha. "Calleach is handsome isn't he?"

"Duh," Ella said before she pretended to swoon. "He's swoon worthy. I always thought that our cousins were the hottest guys I'd even seen. How could I ever hope to find a man when every time I went somewhere with Amaranth, Zarr, and Zaranth, people thought I was dating one of them." Ella made a face. "I am not into dating my cousins."

"It's happened before."

"Yeah, but just wait. Some genetic mutation is going to show up somewhere in the family."

Sorcha grunted as she watched the rain pound against the windows. Ella watched her closely before she reached over and touched Sorcha. "What's the matter?"

"I don't know." Sorcha let out a sigh as she began tracing Ella's hand with her fingers. "I just have a feeling that something bad is going to happen."

"Like what," Ella said as she threaded her fingers through Sorcha's. Ella's eyes were wide and filled with compassion.

"I don't know sis. I can't help but think that Mom and Dad will try to exert their influence over us from jail. No idea how they'd do that, but I'm sure they have connections."

"Oh no doubt. We were followed all the time Sorcha."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Sorcha said on a sigh.

"Have you talked to Calleach about your feelings yet?"

Sorcha's braid fell over her shoulder as she shook her head. Ella reached forward with her free hand and picked up Sorcha's thick black braid. "I don't want to tell Calleach when it's just a vague feeling."

"Maybe you should tell him. Just in case."

Sorcha gave her little sister a smile. "If it will ease your mind, I will."

"Want to play a game of chess?"

Ella's voice was full of innocence and she batted her long eyelashes at Sorcha. All Sorcha could do was laugh.

"You're on. I've been practicing too. I might finally be able to beat you."

Ella gave an unladylike snort as she slid from her chair. "Yeah right," Ella said as she offered Sorcha a hand up. "You'll never be good enough to beat me."

"Don't be so cocky." Sorcha had to hold onto Ella as they walked over to the chess set sitting in front of one of the windows. "That'll be your downfall."

Sorcha half way fell into her chair as her knee buckled. Ella kept a hold of her worry on her face. Sorcha waved her away.

"I'm fine. It's just my knee."

"You should have Cal's friend look at it."

Sorcha waved Ella away. "It's only been a year since I was shot. I'm still doing my exercises."

Ella shook her head as she sat down to play. Soon the pieces were all in order. Ella leaned forward and smiled at her sister.

"You first."

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