Part 29

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"How long has this been going on?

Calleach shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine." Calleach told Charles as he settled back in his chair with one arm draped over the back. "Sorcha just discovered it less than two moths ago."

Charles rubbed at his chin. "How exactly do you plan to bleed the Nelson family dry?"

Bradley grinned. "Someone I knew in Interpol ruined a family by hacking into their accounts and wiring the money elsewhere. That is my idea. It'll be hard to do, but we have a set of triplet cousins who enjoy hacking. So far they've just stuck to games, but I know they would love to put their skills to the test."

Isolde passed a worried look over Sorcha. "Isn't there some other way to do this?"

"I don't know what Isolde." Sorcha stated. "Sean has been stealing money from the O'Brien's for years. I've only found a little bit of what they've stolen. I am still going through everything else. If we're not careful, the O'Brien family could be bled dry and I don't want that."

Charles grunted as he stared at the wall behind Calleach. "I can see that you really have no choice. You could go through the proper channels, but we all know that the law isn't always equal."

"Will you help us?" Calleach stated.

Charled took Isolde's hand. They shared a long private look before both nodded. "We'll help in any way that we can. No one knows that I am Sorcha's father. That'll be in our favor."

The small grin that Bradley had been wearing grew bigger. He gave Ella a roguish look. "How do you feel about going down under for a little while?"

Ella frowned at Bradley before his words and the accent he had dawned on her. "We're going to Australia?"

Bradley nodded. "The triplets live in Sydney. They run their own gaming company down there."

"I'm game," Ella said in excitement.

Eleanor finally spoke up. She had remained silent through the entire conversation. "If you're cousins can accomplish what you wish, I will let them transfer the funds into my name. My husband was a wealthy man who was known to rat hole money away. That money has long since disappeared paying off his many debts. If anyone should grow suspicious and I, I can say that I found some money of his. No one will know the wiser."

"Thank you Eleanor." Sincerity rang in Calleach's voice. "The O'Brien family is in your debt and we always make right with our debtors."

Eleanor waved his words away. "Nonsense. My granddaughters." Eleanor paused to include Ella in her gaze. Ella gave her a radiant smile. "Have taken up with the O'Brien family. I will do as I have always done and that is protect my son and his children."

Sorcha was touched. She reached over and gave Eleanor's hand a squeeze. Eleanor squeezed it back before she patted it and stood. Bradley and Ella stood when Eleanor crooked a finger at them. "Before you two leave for Australia, I will give you some information that will prove beneficial."

Charles watched his mother leave the room. He shook his head and gave Sorcha and Calleach a rueful smile. "My mother is a force to reckon with."

Sorcha giggled. "She reminds me of some of my older relatives in Scotland. They always treated me as one of their own daughters instead of a distant cousin."

Neued yawned and stretched in her chair. She rubbed at her lower back before she stood up. "I am going to go and take a hot shower. All of this talk of doing illegal stuff is making me stressed out. If we happen to go to jail for this someone better sneak me some wine and cheesecake."

Her three brothers laughed before they got up and trailed their sister from the room. Sorcha shook her head as she listened to her brothers tease their sister.

"I really appreciate you hearing me out Charles and Isolde."

"We would do anything to make our children happy." Isolde commented as she gazed at Charles lovingly. We consider you part of the family Calleach since you are with Sorcha. How can we stand aside and do nothing while your family is brought to ruin?"

"Thank you." Was all Calleach could say.

Sorcha stood and surprised both Charles and Isolde by giving them hugs. They returned the hugs gently before they shooed them away. "Go outside and enjoy the weather," Isolde said as she wiped at the moisture in her eyes. "The wind is out of the north so I would stay on the southern side of the house. It might be the last time you get a breath of fresh air without getting wet. A nasty storm's moving in."

"Okay," Sorcha said as she wrapped an arm around Calleach's waist. "We'll see you later."

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