Part 6

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Zefora's laughter echoed in Sorcha's ear as she hung up on her cousin. Sorcha left her phone on the couch as she grabbed her empty mug and headed back into the kitchen. Calleach was waiting with the coffee pot. He steadied Sorcha's hand with his own as he poured hot coffee into her mug.

"Thanks," Sorcha said as her fingers tingled from the warmth of Calleach's hand.

"You're welcome."

Sorcha sat at the table and waited for Calleach to join her before she dug in. The kitchen was quiet except for the sounds of eating and the birds that always sang outside Sorcha's kitchen window. Sorcha wondered when Calleach turned off the radio. Calleach watched her eat. Sorcha blinked at him before she swallowed her food and took a sip of the orange juice that Calleach had sat in front of her plate.

"Why are you watching me eat?"

Calleach shrugged as he took a bit of egg. "I like watching you eat. I like slim girls, but you need to gain a little bit of weight. You are too skinny."

Sorcha toyed with her eggs before she took another bite. "I used to be a hearty eater, but that changed after I got tired of listening to my parents critique what I ate."

"Your parents are not here Sorcha. You can eat however much you want when you're with me."

"Where'd you learn to cook?" Sorcha asked changing the topic.

Calleach laughed and started telling her the story of how he learned to cook. It was a fascinating story and Sorcha learned towards him as he told the story. She laughed as he told how he got caught sticking his finger into the cake batter and was forced to help do the dishes. Sorcha told her story of learning how to cook as they finished breakfast and started doing the dishes. Sorcha had completely forgot about the fact that she was wearing nothing but a lace night gown that stopped short of her knees when she caught Calleach staring intently at her as he handed her plates to put away.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

Calleach cleared his throat before he nodded at her night gown. "It's hard keeping my eyes off of you, when you are dressed in that scrap of lace with no underwear on."

A blush stole across Sorcha's face as she tried to pull her night gown down lower and crossed her arms over her chest. "I should go change."

Calleach stopped her as she went to move by him. "I find you very sexy in this and I want nothing more than to peel this thing off of you."

Sorcha blinked up at him. "I would like that, but I haven't done this sort of thing before."

"I can show you if you'd like." Calleach took Sorcha's hands and drew them away from her body so that he could kiss each knuckle.

All Sorcha could do was nod. Calleach stared at her as he kissed her knuckles and softly licked each one. At Sorcha's nod he brought her hands up and placed them on his shoulders. Calleach ran his hands down her arms causing Sorcha to shiver. His hands felt warm through the lace of her night gown as Calleach ran his hands down her sides and around to cup her ass and pull her hips closer to him. Sorcha gasped as her breasts rubbed against the lace covering them as they made contact with Calleach's chest.

"Do you want more?"

All Sorcha could do was nod as Calleach dipped his head and gently brushed his lips against hers. Sorcha slid her hands around Calleach's neck and held him close. The bite of his fingers against her hips hurt, but Sorcha didn't care. She was getting kissed for the first time and it was by Calleach.

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