Part 27

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Three days later, Sorcha along with her sister and their boyfriends headed to Wales with Eleanor. Sorcha was a bundle of nerves. She didn't know what to expect. Ella looked close to tears and Sorcha didn't blame her. Sorcha felt like crying. She so wasn't ready for this. Not on top of everything else.

The Isle of Anglesey was beautiful as the ferry landed on Holy Island. A vehicle was waiting to take them to Rhoscolyn which was less than ten minutes away if they didn't run into any traffic. Sorcha's nerves were all over the place as their driver headed towards Rhoscolyn where the Hughes lived.

"What can you tell me about Rhoscolyn?" Sorcha asked Eleanor.

Eleanor shifted in her seat so that she could look at the others in the car. "Rhoscolyn only has around 550 people. There's a column that the Romans put up and a public beach if you care to visit the ocean. A medieval well is located just west of Rhoscolyn and there's a really nice church that holds beautiful services. Our family holds land around Rhoscolyn and we are a big presence in the town."

Sorcha nodded as she started bouncing her right knee up and down. Calleach laid a comforting hand on Sorcha's knee. "How many siblings do I have?"

"Four. Three brothers and a sisiter." Eleanor said as she held up her fingers and began ticking off names. "Wendelin is the oldest boy at 28 years old. He has the same coloring as you do and loves spending time on the ocean. Tyce is the next boy at 25 years old. Tyce is fair headed with amber colored eyes and dimples. Taren is Tyce's twin brother. They are identical."

"How do I tell them apart?" Sorcha asked in dismay.

A chuckle escaped Eleanor. "Taren only has one dimple. So you must have those two to grin at you in order to tell them apart. Neued is the youngest at 22. She shares her twin brother's eyes. Neued is adventurous. You can't miss her because she has wild curly red hair."

Sorcha spent the rest of the ride in silence. She felt like she needed to get sick. Her eyes studied the multistoried home rapidly approaching. The front door opened and people stepped out as if they had been watching for them.

Eleanor twisted in her seat and grasped Sorcha's hands. "Are you ready?"

"No," Sorcha murmured. "But we're here so I have to be."

Eleanor smiled at Sorcha as she squeezed her hands. "Courage dear."

Ella and Bradley climbed out of the back of the vehicle first. Calleach followed them. He turned back and held his hand out for Sorcha to grasp. Sorcha held on to Calleach's hand as if it was a lifeline.

Eleanor was already speaking to the people who were waiting to meet Sorcha. Six pairs of eyes focused on Sorcha and her group as they stepped up to them. A tall man in his forties broke away from the group. He had her eyes and the same black hair. His eyes feasted on Sorcha as if he couldn't believe that she was here.

The man stepped forward and held his hand out. "You must be Sorcha. I'm Charles. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Sorcha stared at the extended hand before she looked up at the man who was her biological father. She studied his face before she reached forward and shook his hand. Charles pulled her forward so that he could hug her. Sorcha stiffened in his embrace and pulled back. She smiled at Charles to lessen the sting of her reaction.

Charles gave her a thoughtful looking before he smiled. He turned and motioned for his wife and children to come forward. Charles introduced his wife Isolda who has long curly blonde hair, warm amber colored eyes, and rosy cheeks. Each child was introduced in order of their age.

Sorcha introduced Calleach first, then Ella and Bradley. Hands were shaken and hugs given. Sorcha wasn't too thrilled about all of the hugs, but taking in account her history with her father, it was understandable. Sorcha saw Eleanor whisper something to Charles and Isolda. They looked over at Sorcha with looks of anger and sadness. Sorcha figured that Eleanor had told Charles and Isolda about the abuse.

Isolda ushered them inside once the wind started picking up. Sorcha liked Isolda. She had a nice and bubbly personality. Charles was more reserved, but still pleasant to be around. It soon became apparent that Charles enjoyed sitting back and watching his wife move and talk to them.

Tea and little sandwiches were laid out. The kitchen was filled with lots of chatter as Sorcha got to know her new siblings. Ella was surprisingly quiet. Sorcha knew it was hard on Ella to learn that Sorcha had four stepsiblings.

"So tell us about yourself Sorcha." Charles said once everyone had tea.

Sorcha swallowed her gulp of hot tea. "I'm twenty-nine and will be thirty in a few months. I have a college degree and I currently work as a secretary/receptionist for the O'Brien family fortune. I love living in Scotland with Calleach and I am surrounded by my sister and cousins who decided to follow me here." Sorcha shrugged. "That's about it."

"Eleanor said that you do not like hugs. She told us that it is the result of the man who raised you. Can you shed more light on that for us?"

Sorcha dropped her gaze to the table. She began running her finger around the edge of her tea cup. Calleach reached over and began to gently massage Sorcha's neck. Sorcha looked up at Calleach before her gaze settled on Ella. Ella nodded at Sorcha who took strength in her sister.

"I was not well liked by Trina and Harold loathed me. I never knew why. I figured it was because I was outspoken and didn't take their bull shit." Sorcha shrugged as she looked at Charles. "Now I know why."

Sorcha found it hard to continue. She looked at Ella with a beseeching gaze. Ella nodded before she continued the story. "Growing up, Sorcha always seemed to get in trouble with Mother and Father. Let me just say that the spankings given to Sorcha soon turned into abuse. No one knew, but our family. Father always made sure to never leave bruises."

Charles and his sons shifted in anger. Isolda and her daughter exchanged glances before Neued leaned forward and spoke in a voice filled with tears. "I'm so sorry Sorcha."

Sorcha shrugged. "I learned how to deal with the abuse. I knew how far to push my parents. It doesn't matter know anyways. My parents are going to be in jail for many years."

"We hope," Ella commented as she crossed her arms and sat sullenly in her chair.

"They'll have to get through Calleach and I, plus our whole family if they want to harm the two of you." Bradley stated as he dropped a hand onto Ella's thigh.

"I agree with Mr. O'Brien," Charles said.

Sorcha smiled hesitantly at Charles. "Do I have to call you Father?"

"It would gladden my heart if you would give me that courtesy, but I understand if you just want to call me Charles."

"Thank you," Sorcha said sincerely. "Everntually I might call you Father, but I am afraid that if I do..." Sorcha trailed off.

"You can call me Dadaidh is the word for Father in Scottish Gaelic," Charles offered.

"Dadaidh." Sorcha tried out new word. It felt strange in her mouth. "I will try."

Isolda smiled at Sorcha. "You can call me Mamaidh which is Mother in Scottish Gaelic or I answer simpley to Isolda."

Sorcha returned her smile. "I will just stick to Isolda and Charles for now."

Eleanor took control of the conversation and turned things back to lighter topics. Sorcha was grateful for her and she sent her a thankful smile. Eleanor winked at her as she steered the conversation away from Sorcha and over to her other grandchildren.

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