2 | Unreachable

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     (Y/n), long before disaster repeatedly struck her calamitous life, fancifully constructed many frivolous future dreams, but now, no matter which promising direction she turned, impenetrable blockades surrounded her, everyone else making binding decisions, imprisoning her to the point she felt eternally shackled, her independent wishes so incredibly. . . unreachable.

Which brings our brooding protagonist to the frightening topic of school. The first day always seemed the worst. U.A.'s large structural buildings shimmered underneath dawn's brightening essence, mocking (Y/n) as if to say, "Welcome to your brand new hell, kid."

I've traded one cage for another. . . Lucky me.

Groups of enthusiastic teenagers piled through U.A.'s fortified front gate, (Y/n) followed their example, shouldering passed those who ambled along too slow. Quickly erasing any doubt, there wasn't a moment's hesitation in (Y/n)'s movements as she shuffled along, childishly fascinated by the impressive interior. Monochromatic corridors leading to unexplored areas, (Y/n) examined the welcoming banners with all the other overjoyed, rambunctious students.

Bodies squished and encompassed her, enshrouding (Y/n) in a smothering capsule of isolation. The feeling accompanying being swamped by unfamiliars could only be described as claustrophobia. Sensibly, (Y/n) calmed her exceedingly jittery nerves, murmuring short apologies to those she unintentionally touched.

Wandering stares insensitively scorned both sides of (Y/n)'s neck. Disconcerted and losing composure, (Y/n) desperately sought comfort, clutching a dainty pocket attached inside her form-fitting skirt. (Y/n) relaxed exponentially, fingertips ghosting the beautifully engraved patterns of her beloved pendant, and, knowing full well what tarnished her skin, her strides became confident.

Let them look, I've got everything under control. Just remember, deep breaths, (Y/n) motivationally reassured. Chin held a little higher, a warm indifference oozed from her demeanor.

As (Y/n) curiously meandered about the elaborate hallways, galumphing throngs of people tapered off, everyone disappearing into their respective classrooms. (Y/n) located her own soon enough, taking in the gigantic door labeled 1-A. Well, she would have gotten a complete view if a certain curly-haired boy wasn't blocking the entrance, a scared expression washing over his adorable freckled complexion.

Redirecting her attention off the boy she didn't know, disorderly sounds of arguing reached her. Two masculine voices, one laced in arrogance, and the other extremely formal, bickered back and forth.

Cacophony dying down, quietness peacefully replaced quarreling as (Y/n) casually approached her intended destination. Much friendlier, the stern, civilized voice spoke again. Based upon the green-haired boy anxiously stuttering for a suitable answer, (Y/n) figured he'd been spotted.

"I'm Midoriya. Nice to meet you, Iida."

So, that's their names, I would have figured them out sooner or later. I wonder about that arrogant voice, though, he's been suspiciously silent.

Wanting awkward introductions dealt with, and access to the obstructed classroom, (Y/n) lightly placed a gloved hand on Midoriya's shoulder, startling him and the dark-haired boy wearing square glasses. They obviously hadn't noticed her presence.


"Is there a problem here?" (Y/n) placidly questioned, intelligent irises hopping between the gobsmacked two.

Both openly gawked at (Y/n), unreasonably stunned, and she felt the pestering sensation of being watched by numerous pairs of intrigued gazes.

A heavy, embarrassed blush claimed Midoriya's squishable cheeks. Waving his arms frantically, he timidly eluded her inquiring stare. "N-no, everything's fine!"

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