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★⊱ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ⊰★

A thousand unfamiliars,
wherein darkness shines amidst twisted light,
and such an ever-changing multicolored world is clearly undefined as merely black or white. . .
United through similar prowesses,
bones carved from bulletproof titanium,
minds and hearts caught between strong and innocent,
life born amongst formidable storms,
scars gained by facing inevitable enemies,
and spilled blood infinite stains on history. . .
Hand in hand,
actions speaking louder than words,
striving toward peace,
for forgiveness,
for freedom,
for forever,
to being an unfading impression on another soul that is inarguably indelible.

★⊱ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ ⊰★

Indelible: memories or actions impossible to eliminate; having a permanent influence or effect on something or someone; making marks that cannot be removed, erased, or the like; unforgettable, inextinguishable, unchangeable, enduring, sempiternal, everlasting, indestructible, rememberable, undying, etc.

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     Evil wears countless masks.

Those four cautionary words (Y/n) understood all too well for someone so young and ready to conquer the world. That careful warning was spoken to (Y/n) during a harmonious period of time – one she previously thought would last forever – yet, she hadn't completely comprehended the generous advice until coming directly face-to-face against that harsh, cruel reality of figuring out everything is not as it seems.

Exposed to heinous criminals of every different kind, (Y/n) has disbelievingly witnessed beloved, charitable individuals change their personalities so sickeningly easy like flicking a simple light switch on and off, concealing their horrifying, selfish motives well enough to avoid suspicion from the government employing them. It made (Y/n) wonder if they had moral compasses somewhere deep within their wretched souls.

Due to this, heroes or villains – good or evil – (Y/n) smartly trusted neither with her life even if she had no other choice because she'd been scorned and admonished too many times by those very people for being an unwavering constant they couldn't possibly mold into a mindless puppet. Whatever they greedily wanted, they usually obtained without resistance, but she was unwilling to budge, bend, and break to fulfill their abominable wishes. However, despite challenging her superiors in every way imaginable, circumstances still unceremoniously tossed (Y/n) into a harrowing fray of ravenous wolves starving to get a taste of the indomitable power she possessed, which she desperately tried concealing with no such luck.

Rather unfortunately, misery enjoyed (Y/n)'s company and misfortune combined, following everywhere she tread without taking a rest, ever. Objectively looking at herself now hurt more than anything because she thought she was unrecognizable compared to who she used to be. Happy, healthy, optimistic; (Y/n) felt as if everything was inevitably lost at some point, and, sadly, she had the exceedingly deplorable memories to prove it. Showcasing grim scars from a distant past, the outright horrors (Y/n)'s experienced couldn't conceivably rival the near unbearable regret and afflicting heartache she experienced throughout a day-to-day basis.

Family, friends, love; (Y/n) had summon the determination to reluctantly move on without them despite years of backbreaking work of holding everything together somehow. No matter what she did, her failures always came back to haunt her day and night – in dreams and nightmares. (Y/n)'s lack of successes far outweighed her very limited amount of accomplishments even though it didn't seem that way, taking more collateral risks than anybody in this battle to end a potential civil war. Nonetheless, she would rather embrace every molecule of this unforgiving pain so nobody else would ever have to be put in such a dangerous position.

Indelible | BnHA/MHA {Shōto Todoroki x Reader} {Discontinued!}Where stories live. Discover now