7 | Choices

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     Whether decided carelessly, neutrally, or pragmatically, choices defined people and their unique personalities – writing prominent, personal histories forever marked irreversible, staining memories long since mourned, tragically lost, or yet to be loved and cherished.

(Y/n) silently wished she owned a magic crystal ball so the imminent future was transparent, more illuminated, less secretive, and actually comprehensible in order to know whether or not her questionable choices weren't leading her astray.

It was these contemplative musings that constantly bothered the confused adolescent, especially right now in the early morning. Young golden light streaked along (Y/n)'s noticeably sapped features, sleep adamantly evading her disturbed consciousness last evening. Every reluctant movement sent a horrendous ache throughout her creaking bones, stinging quite terribly and putting her a tad under the weather. Additionally, near crippling pain hammered at her damaged heart. At this point, she knew these unpleasant feelings were the result of her Quirk – something she previously welcomed without much resistance – but since discovering the benefits barely outweighed the risks, she disliked her willingness to let it happen.

Blurry and abnormally destitute, (Y/n)'s irises swept the familiar perimeter, a slow, fitful drumming of a pulse rocking her uneasy emotions. Despite the basic, primal compulsion to rest, (Y/n) adamantly strolled onward, overlooking the metro as a dependable mode of transportation. She was too distraughtly mortified, too unreasonably disconcerted, of the events that transpired yesterday to consider the option, warily preventing any and all social interaction by avoiding crowded areas.

At best, everything would be okay. At worst, someone would ceaselessly search for the secret Guardian Angel, or propose a witch-hunt to murder her, but (Y/n) has handled more unfavorable situations before. Nothing else consumed her wandering thoughts as she shut out her arising problems, instead daydreaming about slipping into an interminable slumber because it sounded simply fantastic at that very moment. Lethargically sighing, (Y/n) lifelessly acknowledged the humongous barricade associated with this prison deceptively labeled as a school.

Approaching the near indestructible divider and expertly painting on a happy-go-lucky expression, (Y/n)'s wandering gaze hopped from place-to-place, still slightly amazed by the academy's humongous buildings and seemingly limitless resources. What (Y/n) wasn't expecting to see a familiar face so early on. Unfortunately, the universe worked in mysterious ways, so conveniently acting similar to two attracting magnets, (Y/n) absentmindedly studied a proportionally split colorful head of hair getting tousled by a wonderful spring breeze.

Wait. . .

"Shōto?" (Y/n) called uncertainly, completely puzzled by his lingering presence outside. Was he waiting for someone?

Said youth's disinterested heterochromatic orbs jumped to a curious (Y/n) immediately, their perturbed impression intensifying. (Y/n) vaguely registered his intense stare, an uncomfortable tension swirling between them. An oddity considering Shōto seemed like a relatively composed individual.

Opening his mouth, he callously uttered a question that wouldn't leave him alone. "Why?"

(Y/n) subconsciously tilted her head, trying to understand this confrontation-like encounter. "Why?" She echoed contemplatively, walking closer to hear him better. "Sorry, I'm genuinely lost, can you clarify what you mean?"

Ever so slowly, Shōto's wavering patience was wearing thin, the frustrated boy breathing deeply to suppress the agitation building within. "Why did you save me yesterday during Hero Training?" He interrogated straightforwardly, holding back his irritation until he got answers. "Is it because of my family's notoriety? My father specifically? Did you think assisting me would somehow get you in his good graces so you could take advantage of that power?"

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