4 | Fear

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To fear oneself is an odd, offputting feeling, though fighting was definitely (Y/n)'s forte, she didn't particularly enjoy participating in the least, frightened to accidentally go overboard.

Drumming in a fitful, inconsistent rage, (Y/n)'s heartbeat generated incessant tremors maddeningly ripping apart her dwindling fortitude, poisoning her bloodstream with its dreadful sensation of disquietude. To (Y/n)'s utter dismay, minor, badgering quivers thoroughly rolled over her delicate physique, her fists clenching as her Quirk tormentingly bubbled to the surface right beneath her heated flesh.

Indoor anti-personnel training, huh? (Y/n) thought, exceedingly apprehensive.

Sighing pensively, her fingers nimbly braided the last stubborn strands of her soft (h/c) hair before twirling it into a relatively practical style toward the slender nape of her neck. Overall, two woven knots settled there, actually, (Y/n)'s long tresses too much for a single interlacing bun.

Finished with her personal ministrations, her darkening gaze skimmed over her chattering classmates and outspread surroundings. Their tranquil voices bounced off massive, chromatic cityscapes, hollowly echoing down abandoned alleys and empty streets. Ground Beta was truly an impressive sight to behold, and she briefly wondered what U.A.'s enormous campus comprehensively amounted to.

Suddenly, All Might's booming vocals enthusiastically announced that it was time to start the heroes versus villains simulation.

Saying a supportive good luck to Ochaco and Izuku, (Y/n) leisurely followed everyone else to a technologically enhanced basement systematically arranged as a monitoring room, silently sticking to a corner of welcoming shadows and watching the countless flickering screens carefully as the exercise commenced.

(Y/n) obsessively reflected on today's physically and mentally demanding training for a split-second. Nerves rattling self-consciously, she longed to fake a noxious illness to evade today's trying endeavors.

The coursework stipulations altogether entailed functioning in randomized pairs, behaving as a unit to "deactivate" a nuclear missile within fifteen minutes. Since there was an irregular number of students accounted for, a lone individual would unfortunately be the odd man left isolated. That's why the basic goal was to introduce a secondary operational program after this first one, essentially allowing everyone a chance to participate at least once.

Turns out, (Y/n) wouldn't partake in these primary trials, so she astutely utilized the given free time to her advantage.

Curiosity relentlessly gripped at (Y/n)'s mind, her observations a stunning contrast to her usual, boring musings. The destructive fight between Izuku and Bakugō was, simply put, astoundingly intense. The seething hothead went rogue from the very beginning, completely ruthless, playing the role of the villain frighteningly well.

(Y/n) refrained from commenting on the battle like some of her acquaintances tended to deem necessary, too absorbed in calculating the multiple outcomes. It worried her immensely that All Might was letting this one-sided onslaught pointlessly continue, but the older man was strangely invested in the dangerous altercation. Consequently, half the structure was thereinafter annihilated, the match ending in a miraculous triumph for the exhausted heroes, but Izuku was gravely wounded, so the curly-haired boy was instantly rushed to the school nurse, Recovery Girl.

A stunned quietness lingered in the air, the initial competitors lecture from Momo Yaoyorozu instilling a sense of awe and shame to the respective people it was insightfully directed toward. Nevertheless, (Y/n) kindly congratulated Ochaco, rubbing comforting circles on the nauseated girl's back quite sympathetically, secretly healing gravity girl in the process.

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