Philip Fioyd Case

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"When there are people you can't forgive no matter what..."

"Will you take revenge on them...or will you let them off the hook?"


The Philip Fioyd case begin in the sealed room that's trapping the surviving teens inside.

The first stage in the revenge game will be unbelievable...

Kelly: Alright then...Fess up. Which on of you boys did it?

All of the captive boys in the room stare at her with questioning looks.

Kelly decided to make it easy for them to understand.

Kelly: Which one of you boys bullied him? The nerd I mean...

Howard: What?! What makes you think one of us did it?!

Kelly: Well it's obvious since Philip was a nerd. It would be no doubt the 'bully' had to be on of you jocks.

Tammy: She does have a point. All of you men are always trying to act tough so you bully others because you think it makes you look cool.

The jocks all glared at her.

Steven: Bitch! Not every bully going to be a guy!

Tammy: Don't you dare call me a bitch, asshole!

Steven: Then don't call me an asshole!

Amanda: Guys! Please this isn't getting us nowhere.

Owen: She's right. We need to calm our heads.

Dustin: But you heard what that figure said! We're all going to die!

Owen: But...He also said if we cooperate and do everything he said. Then there's a chance some of us will survive.

Amanda: Owen...Are you really going through with this?

The jock looks at his girlfriend before nodding.

Owen: What choice do we have?

Amanda: Okay...

Everyone went silent in the room until they started thinking about the missing boy-Philip.

Maddie: So...Philip Fioyd huh?

Lauren: I heard of him too...I heard from rumors...He was bullied throughout middle school all the way til high school. No one really was his friend...

Jennifer: Well...He was a nerd.

Howard: Nerds aren't popular so they really don't have much friends.

Roxie: I also know something about him...He was an member of the chess club at our school.

Amanda: But the thing is...Who bullied him to the point where he went missing? Maybe one if us did do it.

Kelly gave Amanda an accusing glare.

Kelly: Oh really? Sounds like you're trying to point fingers so you can throw off suspension yourself.

Amanda: What?! No. I would never bully anyone!

Tammy: How can we be sure you're not lying?

Owen: She's telling the truth.

Everyone looked at Owen.

Howard: Really...?

Owen: Yeah...Amanda is a sweet beautiful girl and she would never such an horrible thing.

Amanda smile softly a bit. Even in a situation like this, Owen was still looking out for her.

Beverly: Maybe you're just covering for her. You both probably did it. Almost like partners in crime if ask me!

Amanda: That's not true! I hardly even knew Philip.

Lauren: What makes you say that...?


Everyone's attention was on her? Was she really telling the truth about not knowing Philip or was she lying...?

Amanda: Okay... Maybe I did knew him...A little bit.

Everyone: Huh?

Amanda:....I once met him. I was there...on one of the days he was bullied.

Owen: Amanda....

Kelly: Explain...

Amanda inhale some air a bit before letting it out.

Amanda: When I was walking to school...I saw Philip getting bullied by someone. But...I didn't do anything...I just watch it all happened...I was...scared.

Tammy: What you mean you was scared? You could've done something...

Amanda: I know...

Owen: But wait...If you were there...Then you know who bullied him. Is the person here in this room...?

Amanda gulped and nodded.

The tense atmosphere rose yet again.

Figure: So you do know~! Well don't keep us in suspense. Who did it. Who bullied Philip Fioyd?


Amanda then look at the 'bully'. Then she confessed the truth.

Amanda: The person who bullied Philip....Is none other than you STEVEN!


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