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A/N: Last Chapter...Amanda starts a new life...

A new life...

A new school...

A new start as people say...

Amanda now goes to Roger Bacon High School...Which is still located in her hometown Cincinnati, Ohio.

However... Amanda's life is different...

Back at Northwest High. She was one of the popular girls...

But now she's...

"Hey...Did you heard of the new girl...She was from that retarded school Northwest High."

"No way! I heard that school had a lot of bullies...Because of that, the school had shut down..."

"Tch. They deserve it...Also that new girl Amanda...She looks like a whore..."

"IKR. She looks like a nasty bitch that came out of the parlor".

"Wouldn't it be great if she would just die~!"


Amanda: (Talk about Karma...I had to become a victim...)

Amanda was about to go to class when she suddenly saw three girls surrounding one girl.

The girl they were teasing was a girl with black hair and she had really pale skin. Dark eyes and wore a lot of black.

Amanda: (Oh no...)

Bully 1: Tch. This bitch thinks she has the right to talk shit about us?!

Bully 2: IKR! Let's put this bitch back in her place!

Amanda decided to stop all this...

Amanda: Hey! Leave her alone!

Bully 3: Ugh. What do you want!

Amanda: I want you to stop bullying her!

Bully 1: And how are you going to make us?

Amanda: Like this!

Amanda kicks one of bullies in the abdomen making her fall to the ground and then grabs the bullied girl before running.

Bully 2: Gaaah?! You'll pay for this!

Amanda and the goth girl manages to get away.

Girl: Why did you do that...?

Amanda: Because I couldn't let them bully you...(Not ever...Not again...)

Girl: I see...But you do realized they'll be coming after you for now on...

Amanda: Hey. Anything to get them off your back...

Girl: But...You'll get bullied too.

Amanda: I don't care...I'm just glad you're alright...

Girl:...Thanks. I guess.

Amanda: I'm Amanda. What's your name?

Olivia: Olivia...Olivia Grey.

Amanda: Wait...Did you say Grey...? That means...

Olivia made a smile as Amanda catches on...

Olivia made a smile as Amanda catches on

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Olivia: Raven was my brother.

Amanda:....I'm sorry...

Olivia: Don't be. He chose to die. So I don't blame him. You neither. Our mother never really bother to help us when we got bullied. The only comfort we received was from each other. Now that he's gone. I have no one now....The only ones I blame were the bullies.


Olivia smirked at her silence.

Olivia: Since you were the one who survived the ordeal at Northwest High. I learned that you're now being bullied as well. Called me sometime and we'll talk.

Amanda: Huh? (What does she mean...?)

Olivia continues smirking as she gave Amanda her phone number.

Olivia: See you later Amanda...We'll see how long before the darkness captures you heart.

Amanda raised an eyebrow as the goth girl walked away.

When she got home. Amanda looked at the phone number Olivia gave her on the notepad. She also noticed Olivia wrote something down for her.

The enrapture is continuing. Soon the world will fall in despair. The Cycle of Bullying will never stop unless we do something about it. Call us crazy but we don't care. Give us a call whenever you feel like you're being bullied...Maybe you could join us...Your choice Amanda....

Amanda looks at the comments she's receiving from Facebook. Some of them were from her new school...

Olivia was right...

The girls continues to talk shit about her...




Piece of Shit!







Amanda looks at phone number before calling Olivia.

Olivia: I knew you would call...Welcome to the Outcasts....

Hell has unleash once again...

All Amanda did now was smile evilly...

All Amanda did now was smile evilly

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