Chloe Mathis-The Fat Girl

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"Truth is everybody is going to hurt you..."

Chloe Mathis was not like the other girls...

She wasn't pretty...

She wasn't preppy...

She definitely wasn't flirty...

She was just...'Bold'.

Well bold wasn't exactly the right word for her either...

She believes she has a weight problem...

She was over more than 200 pounds.

She was also bullied because of her weight...

She tries to ignore everything people say about her...

But the scars run deep in her chest everytime it hurts...

Chloe: I can still hear them...




"How much cake did she eat last night? The whole thing?!"

"She thinks she so pretty? Ha!"

"What kind of a boy would want to date a fat bitch like her?"

"Does piggie want more food?"

Chloe: I'm not fat...I just have a weight problem...that's all...

Chloe decided to not anything in the morning...

She walked downstairs to  the living room and greeted her mother.

Mother: Good Morning Sweetie...How did you sleep?

Chloe: Good.

Her Mom nodded and goes over to the kitchen.

Mother: Would you like me to make you some pancakes?

Chloe: Oh... N-No Mom. I'll just take an apple to school.

Her mother gave her an concerned gaze and nodded.

Mother: Chloe.

Chloe looks at her mother again.

Chloe: Yes Mom?

Chloe: Are you sure you okay? Your Father and I noticed... that you haven't been recently eating breakfast...Is something going on at school...

Chloe: Oh... It's nothing Mom...(I'm sorry I lied...)

Mother: You sure? You have been eating lunch right?

Chloe: Yes....(No...)

Mother: Okay...But when you get home. At least eat some dinner. Okay?

Chloe: Okay...(Dinner makes me feel sick...)

Chloe leaves pretending that she didn't see the distressed look on her mother's face.

Her parents have nothing to worry about. She's fine. She don't need nothing to eat.

Chloe: (I just need to lose some weight...That's all.)

Chloe walks to school trying to make sure her troubles go all away even though she knows that wasn't happening anytime soon...

But there was at least one question though...

...When was the last time this girl ate...?

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