Chapter One: 1997

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Lori's POV-
Hi, my name is Lori, Lori Greene. I'm Seventeen and starting my senior year of school, I live alone with my mother, my father took off when I was a little girl. I don't remember him much, and don't really care to since he never wanted to get to know me.
Anyways, school starts tomorrow and I guess you can say I'm pretty excited, I'll be happy to see my friends again and be doing something productive. But I hear a rumor about a famed actor who just recently quit acting whose attending his last year of school at my school. Mike Vitar, oh god! I have the biggest fucking crush on him! I thought to myself, I felt my heart racing. I wonder if I'll have any classes with him? I wonder if he'll be nice or stuck up since he's an actor, (or used to be actor now)? All these thoughts kept piling into my head about him. He truly is sexy, the hottest guy around my age to exist in my opinion. I can't wait to see him in person, from a distance probably, there's no way I could calm myself enough to carry on a normal conversation with the guy.
I also heard Mike just moved to town, yesterday. What I didn't hear (surprisingly) was that he moved into the house literally a block down from me. Wholy shot I didn't think I'd live THAT close to him! I thought. I usually walk to school in the morning as well as on the way home from school. Which means I'd be passing by his house all the time. I just feel like I can't do that! I'll find a different way I guess since I'm always so Damn nervous around people, especially new and very attractive guys like Mike. I guess you could also say I'm awkward, I'm excited to hear Mike is going to the same school as me and living not too far from me...but I don't know, at the same time I feel frightened and nervous. I really like Mike, actually I'm in love with him, I practically have a mental relationship with him. Oh stop Lori! That's not a reality for you! So stop thinking it! I think to myself. It's like I have these crazy fantasies and a devil like version of myself sits on my shoulder telling me I'm no good. Ugh!.

**time lapse to next day//First day of senior year****

Lori's POV-
So today is my first day of senior year! Last year of high school! I'm excited! My alarm went off at 6:30am and I got up to get ready. I picked out the cutest outfit from my closet and put make-up on my face, not too much because I'm not applying for the circus. I decided to also curl my hair as well, all of a sudden as I'm finishing up I feel my devilish mini me returning. You're only dressing this pretty to impress the new boy you've forever had a crush on! You never took this much time and effort into getting ready for just school! I slightly nodded my head in agreement, I never took this much time and effort into getting ready for school like this. Deep inside I was trying to look all cute and pretty since I knew Mike FUCKING Vitar was gonna be at school for the next year. But at the same time I wanted that, I wanted his eyes to look at me at least once today since I can't seem to find the courage within me to actually go up and fucking talk to him like a normal non anxiety driven freak.
I finish up getting ready and check the clock, it's 7:05...good! I have time to take a different route to school today. As I head out the door I yell goodbye to my mother who is in the kitchen, "Well wait honey aren't you gonna eat anything before you leave?" She asks, I look back at her while standing in the door way, "No mom it's okay I'll grab one of those granola bars from school, love you!" I say as I head out for the big day ahead. As I'm walking down the street I pull my schedule out of my bag that I printed off the home access center last night. I have Algebra first period followed by my advisory period (or homeroom). I take a deep breath as I keep walking heading for the school and yes, avoid Mike's place since I was informed on where he's at.
I make it to the school after taking my new route which only took me about six extra minutes. It was 7:35am and school started in ten minutes. As I walk through the main door I'm quickly greeted by my oldest friend Michelle who gives me a big and long hug, "oh my gosh I've missed you so much!" She yells, "Michelle I missed you too!" I say back. We pull away from each other and she grins at me looking so excited, "O-M-G so I know you already know but I am so fucking excited!!!" Michelle says while fanning her face with her hands and jumping up and down, "it's about the new guy isn't it? Mike Vitar?" I say. Michelle nods her head really fast while still jumping, "Yeah! Oh my gosh Lori how can you not be excited! He's an actor attending our school! Oh my gosh I loved him in the sandlot!" Michelle shouts still jumping up and down. I grab her arms to calm her down but I'm smiling, "Michelle trust me I am excited! But you know me I'm always so nervous! I couldn't handle talking to him" I reply. Michelle finally stops jumping but is still smiling, "I know sweetie! You're a nervous wreck!" She says, I laugh while giving her a friendly punch on the arm, "I know this" I say. It wasn't long after we heard a bunch of clapping and screaming, Michelle got so excited she started hyperventilating. "OH MY FUCKING GOD HE'S HERE!" she screams and rushes toward the crowd. I stay put as I watch her shove other kids out of her way. I began to inch closer to the crowd while on my tippy toes hoping I could get a quick glimpse of him. I couldn't see a Damn thing. I waited for about three or so minutes when Michelle came running back and squeezed both my wrists, "Well!?" I ask more than curious, she tries to get her words in order as her mouth begins to open, "He's so nice he gave me a hug and signed my picture of him!" She said, I smiled at her, "Well good for you" I say as I look over at the crowd still going wild.
     The bell rang to go class. I decided to move so I wouldn't be late. When I get there I see a few kids have already claimed their seats. I'm welcomed by a kind looking woman who gives me a warm smile and says, "hi sweetie, sit wherever you like" she said, I smile, "thank you" I say as I take a seat near the back of the room. I look at the open seat next to me, more and more kids start piling in and I watch them. Finally the last student comes in...and my heart sank!.

  Hey guys sorry if this was a shitty chapter, my first fan fic. I really hope you like what you've read so far and will stay tuned for Chapter 2 which is coming real soon!!!!!!

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