Chapter Six

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Lori's POV-
Mike began to come around, I felt relief as he opened his eyes and looked directly into mine. I still held on to his hand, "Mike, what happened?" I asked. He ignored me as he got up and made his way out from under the bleachers. I make my way out as well chasing him down and grabbing his wrist, "Mike!" I shout, "What happened back there?" I ask again, he turns around and looks at me, "Look I don't want to talk about it right now, but thanks for saving my ass from getting caught" he said. I felt enraged, I helped him out like he said thanks for but I'm still not getting a direct answer out of him. I watched him as he left the gym and headed home. I sighed as I threw my book bag over my shoulders again, I left as well deciding to just leave Mike alone for now. Maybe I could talk to him tomorrow, either way I don't understand any of this still. This is absolutely insane, I'm baffled at how we were laughing and talking this morning and by the end of the day he turns psycho.
  Mike's POV-
I got back to my place around 3:30, I took my time. I don't remember a lot of the past few hours, I was in the restroom with these jocks and I took a pill and blanked out. I don't know what I took but it made me feel different, better. However now that I think about it, it also made me push Lori away. She saved my ass from getting busted and all I did was push her away to thank her. She could have taken me straight to the principal's office and I would've been fried. I can't seem to think straight at the moment either. I still feel so confused and messed up, I feel like I can't speak out loud either without slurring all my words. I still can barely walk right.  I'm so fucked up right now.

     Lori's POV-
I got home after being a half an hour later than usual and my mother didn't get a call from me. "Oh well honey there you are!" My mother says walking toward me as I open the front door. "Hi mom" I say, "Why are you home later than usual?" She asks, I look at her, "Uh, well, I had to talk with my teacher about an assignment" I said. My mom nods and smiles, "Oh, well alright sweetie!" She says and walks into the living room. I headed upstairs to my bedroom and closed the door behind me once in my room. I threw my book bag into the corner and fell back first onto my bed exhaling loudly. I stare at my ceiling, all I could possibly think about was Mike. To be honest I really really hoped that he would be okay tomorrow and we would talk. I think once again about calling Michelle, but then I convinced myself not to...again. What the hell just happened!? I think, I'm so lost right now, I feel like I've been doing this for days, weeks even. How can this only be the second day of school still!?.
      I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock, 6:30. I slammed my hand down on the dismiss button and sat up staring at myself in the mirror in front of me. I looked horrible, so I got up and fixed that. As the first two days I was out of the house by 7:10 and walked to school, Mike was instantly on my mind again. I was almost to the intersection when I saw Mike leaving his house and taking off in a car with a few guys. Seeing Mike leave made me take my normal route to school, I passed by his house which he just left and glanced at it while walking by. I looked up at the trees and watched the leaves fall. I loved the changing of trees in the fall, so pretty.
      I made it to school and opened the main doors and headed inside, Michelle wasn't there to greet me. I feel like after just that small incident yesterday she thinks I hate her or something. I really hope I didn't fuck up our friendship with that more than small stunt yesterday. Either way I felt my third day, was gonna be my worst day. No Michelle, and no Mike, fucked things up with Michelle, and Mike seems to want nothing to do with me today.

          ****skip to TAP class hour***
So I'm sitting here alone in TAP, I didn't see Mike in first period either. He's up to something, he's up to no good. He's getting himself into trouble, getting involved with dope and what not. It's only been two fucking days he's been here, I didn't think things could escalate this quick. Thirty minutes passes and the bell to go to second period rang. I grabbed my bag and headed out, I walked by the gym and it was being filled with students coming in and out. I wasn't gonna bother searching for Mike in there, nor was I gonna bother asking around for him. I saw him get into that car with those boys and I know he's still with them somewhere. He ditched school. I just kept walking to second period, I still had to make up whatever it was I missed in fifth and sixth period yesterday.
    Finishing fourth period I headed to the cafeteria, but I skipped out on eating. I wasn't hungry at all. Funny how Mike doesn't show up to school today and Michelle decides to skip out as well! Maybe they're together? I think, I felt that jealousy feeling again. Ever since Mike started going to this school I felt Michelle and I grow farther apart. I'm afraid I'm gonna lose one really close friend, and one crush. Just great!.

Hey guys!! Sorry if this was a super shitty and boring and repetitve chapter, I kept getting distracted!! I hope Chapter 7 to be better!! Please stay tuned if you've read this far!!.

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