Chapter Eight

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Lori's POV-
I hurry down the street in silence, I don't run but I walk at a quick pace. I don't want to draw any sort of attention to myself. I don't know if anyone saw the incident that just took place, but I don't want to attract a lot of attention and somehow jeopardize Mike's life. Oh his life is already in jeopardy! Those drug dealers kidnapped him to kill him! I thought. I have to find out where they went! I finish the thought and head in the direction in which I saw the vehicle take off. Maybe I will spot it on the side of the road somewhere. I did see what colors the vehicle was and what type it was. I'm sure I'll be able to identify it.
     I find myself walking for almost an least I think that's how long it's been, when finally I spot the vehicle of Mike's kidnappers parked near a rundown building near town. I always knew bad things went down here, but I've never seen police cars around here. This part of town is usually the quietest, The vehicle was parked on the opposite side of the street to make it look like they were in the house across from the rundown drug house. Kind of clever I guess. I go snooping around the outside of the house looking inside all the Windows. It's dark in the upper part of the house, but I find a little bit of light peeking through one of the Basement Windows which was nearly almost covered in weeds. I duck down and peer through the window and saw one of the two guys pacing slowly back and forth, it appeared he had a gun in his hand. I saw Mike who they had roped to a chair with a blindfold and his mouth taped shut. I gasped at the sight, which was an instant mistake because one of the dealers looked over in my direction and I moved away from the window to avoid being seen. I wait for about a minute when I slowly make my way back to the window again. The dealer was back to pacing again, but he set the gun down on a small table in the corner of the room. I could hear Mike making muffled sounds and squirming a little struggling to move. The dealer punched Mike in the shoulder, "Shut the fuck up!" He says, Mike goes back to motionless and silent. I stand up and back away from the window as I realized I needed to do something. Only one of the dealers was in there which meant he was waiting for something. And when the time came to where he would stop waiting, would be the end of Mike's life. I decided to hurry my ass away from the house and find some real help now that I know where he's being held. I make my way to the front of the house when suddenly someone grabs me by the mouth and drags me inside. I try screaming for help and I start kicking and fighting but it does no good. Within a few more seconds I'm being thrown onto the floor right in front of Mike who can't see who I was these bastards just tossed in here. The second dealer came in and removed Mike's blindfold and Mike and I were face to face and his eyes widened as he struggled hard almost falling out of the chair. I shake my head at him, the dealers don't say anything. One of them points a gun on the both of us and I just sit on the floor in complete silence not daring to speak a word. Mike kept making useless groans and I had the urge to turn around and tell him to shut up. But I figured that wasn't worth getting a bullet to the skull for, so I stayed silent until one of the dealers spoke to Mike again, "I told you to shut the fuck up man!" He said. I stared at the floor, my heart ready to burst out of my chest, I couldn't believe I was in this situation. I should've moved quicker and earlier instead of watching through that window for the longest time. I'm such an idiot. Now it's more than likely that not only is Mike gonna die, but I'm gonna die too. And I didn't even do anything!. I didn't take their goddamn drugs! I thought, but the only reason I bothered to get involved with any of this is because of Mike. I care about him and I want the Mike I knew two days ago back.

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