Chapter Four

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Lori's POV-
My alarm went off the next morning same exact time, 6:30am. Gives me time to pick my outfit and get my zombie face to look like a normal human being. I hope I'm not a nervous wreck today, I don't need to be an even bigger ass in front of Mike today. Which reminds me I was watching TV last night and an episode of Chicago Hope came on and Mike was in it playing as a teen dad. For some reason I thought that was amazing, his character seemed like he cared about his kid. And a part of me knows the real him can be like that, even though I've only known him for a day. I refocus myself on my wardrobe and pick out another cute outfit for day two.
    Mike's POV-
I guess you could say I'm excited to go back today, I'm more excited to see Lori. All last night that's all I did was think about her, I don't know what but this girl truly captured a piece of me. I can't tell you how much I hope we talk again in first period and TAP. I'm dying to know more about this girl if we can keep a conversation going for more than just five seconds.
     Lori's POV-
7:10 rolled around and I grabbed an Apple from the fruit basket on the kitchen table and headed out, "Bye mom!" I yelled, "Bye sweetie have a great second day!" She said back. I turned around walking out of the house closing the door behind me. I took my new route to school, seeing as how I'm not exactly ready to walk by Mike's quite yet.
    I get to school and I'm once again welcomed by Michelle who stands with Mike and together they're talking and laughing. For a quick second I felt myself getting a little jealous of Michelle. "Michelle!" I say with sort of a bitchy smile on my face, "Oh hey Lori!" She says back all cheery. I give Mike a warm smile turning my attention away from Michelle completely. I see a smile creeping over his face as we lock eye contact again. "Well I'm gonna go, see ya Lori!" Michelle says taking off. I ignored her. Mike and I stood in silence for a moment or two when finally he spoke up, "Uh, so how are you today?" He asks, still smiling. I felt my heart melting, I can't handle his gorgeous smile. "I'm great today! How are you!?" I ask still staring into his eyes, He slightly nods his head, "I'm great!" He replies. I hear the bell ringing to go to first period, "Wanna walk to class with me?" He asks. I nod my head, "Yes! Yes I do!" I say, and we turn and head for algebra class. We get there and take our seats next to each other, the bell rings a final time. Anyone who comes in after that bell is late. Mrs. Page gets up in front of the class and starts explaining the lesson for today. Ugh! We're doing polynomials first. Hopefully Mike sucks at math, another excuse to talk to him.
        The period ends forty minutes later and Mike and I walk together to TAP. It's crazy that its only been a day of knowing a famed actor that I've been crushing on for so Damn long and I don't feel as nervous today as I thought I would.
        Mike and I talked all the way to TAP class, mainly about what we thought about our classes yesterday and the teachers we got. "So how are you with Math?" I ask him, Mike exhaled with a small laugh and scratching the back of his head, "Uh well I'm not that great at it to be honest" he said, I felt a smile creeping over my face as my heart began to race again, "Well I can help you! I'm pretty good at it!" I say. He smiles at me and nods his head, "Yeah! Sure, I'd like that!" He says, I smile as we continue walking to TAP. We make it inside the room together just before the bell rings and take our seats across from each other. "So, what else is there I should know about you?" He asks me, "Uh, well, I don't know! I guess yesterday you've already found out I'm a bit anxious" I say, we share a laugh as he says, "Yeah thats true", we sit in silence for a moment again, "Its just so cool you go to our school now! But if you don't mind me asking, why did you quit acting?" I ask, he exhales and I see his eyes wander to the ceiling and then back down at me. "It's not what I really want, I mean yeah I did it for a few years after I was spotted at this school thing when I was like twelve, this guy told me he thought I had what it took to be in the film business and gave me his contact info, at first I wasn't even gonna bother, but then my brother, Pablo, found out and basically forced me into it. So I just did it" he explains. I nod, "Oh, well I think you're great" I say instantly feeling anxious and stupid again, he giggled, "Thanks" he replied, I nod and smile "Sure thing" I say wanting to slam my head on the desk.
       Mike's POV-
She's looking nervous again, I really didn't mind the question, but I feel like a jerk for answering it instead of Trying to get more out of her. Making the discussion about her, instead I encouraged her to turn the discussion around to me again. "Really there's got to be more to you" I ask her, she looks up at me, I can see her face reddening again, "I don't know what to say? I guess I'm a geek, I like to learn and I always get good grades and I like a lot of music and I like to draw a lot too, basically all there is to me, nothing spectacular" she said. I could tell she thinks negatively about herself a lot but I know there's something big to her. I'll find out soon I guess.
    Lori's POV-
I thought it was amazing how he really wants to know about me, I wish I had more to tell him. He thinks there's something big about me, something amazing. I don't see it.

       Chapter Five coming real soon!!
Hope you guys are still staying tuned and loving the story. Sorry if it's becoming to be the same old, twist comes real soon!!!

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