Chapter Two

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Lori's POV-
After the bell rang to go to first period I began quickly making my way to my algebra class. When I got there I saw a few kids have already claimed their seats. I was welcomed by a friendly woman who told me to sit wherever. She seemed real nice. When I took my seat near the back of the room I watched all the other kids begin to pile into the class and claim their seats. The desk next to me was still empty when finally one more student came in and everyone stared! My heart sank once I saw who it was!. Mike Vitar walked into the room and I felt my heart racing, please don't sit next to me!! I think to myself. I see him walking in my direction and for a moment I felt my heart stop and my body go completely numb. He was staring me in the face too and gave me a smile as he asked, "Is this seat taken?" I take a few seconds to answer but finally I say, "No! No! I mean no it's not taken of course! Please sit!" I say as I quickly turn to the front of the room and bury my face in my arms on my desk. Already made an ass out of myself I think. Mike takes a seat next to me and the teacher gets in front of the class to say this!, "Hello class welcome to your first day of your senior year, I'm Mrs. Page your algebra teacher! I hope you guys like your seats, these will be permanent" she says, I slam my head back down on my desk, well shit! I thought. A whole year directly next to Mike Vitar!? Oh god! I don't know how this is gonna work. I can barely control myself right now, he's gonna think I'm a total psycho. Maybe I'll get used to him! I thought, maybe by the end of the year it will all turn out...I hope.
       First period ended and I went straight to homeroom right after. Homeroom we usually just called TAP which stood for Teacher Advisory Period. But the past three years of high school I've never had to do anything in that class. It's basically a 30 minute do nothing class, unless you had homework to finish up. I guess you could call it a study hall type thing. I get to TAP and take a seat as well as a deep breath after my 45 minute panic attack in first period sitting next to Mike. Once again I watch kids pile into the TAP room and sixth person to enter was Mike Vitar who looked right at me. You have got to be fucking kidding me! I thought, I instantly started panicking again but tried everything I could to hide it. He sat in the desk in front of me which was facing me since my TAP teacher had the desks set up in groups. He smiled at me again and I tried to smile back, I hope that looked good I thought. "Looks like we get two classes together" he says, I smile and nod, "yeah! Yeah that's great!" I say. I could smell his colone from where I was sitting and he smelled beautiful. I wanted to attack him with kisses and hug his body forever and hold his hand while calling him mine. I fucking wanted him!. I had so many feelings and so many thoughts and questions about him I felt as if I was going insane. I didn't want to bring up anything about his acting life, I understand he quit it to finish his education to become something he has a passion for. I forgot what that was and I felt myself wanting to ask him, but I couldn't find the words. As I pulled myself back to reality, Mike Held out his hand towards me, "Mike Vitar, but I'm sure you already know that! I was always taught to introduce yourself no matter what, it's respectful when meeting new people" he said. I smile and shake his hand with trembling fingers OH MY FUCKING GOD I'M TOUCHING HIM!  I Could hear my mind screaming the words as I shake his hand and try to get my name out. "I'm Lori, Lori Greene" I say still trembling a little. We part hands and he smiles, God I love his smile, it's so magical I think, "Nice to meet you Lori!" He says. I smile as he does as well. We locked eye contact for a minute, I felt butterflies going crazy in my stomach. I've never felt like this before, it wasn't that he was an actor, I felt something special about him. Something that no other guy had, I wanted him! I really wanted him. Continuing to look into his dreamy brown eyes I became lost in my mind which his sparkling eyes captured. My hands were still close to his and from the looks of Mike's face I could tell he was in his own paradise.

Hey guys! Hope it's getting better! I really really hope you're enjoying the story. Sorry for the shorter chapter! Chapter 3 coming soon!! Please stay tuned

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