Chapter 12

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It had been almost two weeks since I've been living in Justin's house, and I couldn't handle it anymore. All I've done is sit and be miserable, doing nothing at all. I'd kill to leave this house.

I looked at my phone that was suddenly ringing, and answered almost immediately. I needed a life.


"Where have you been?" The voice snapped. "We're falling apart without you."

I smiled a little, knowing who is was.

"Hey Jamie."

"Girl if your ass isn't at this store by tomorrow I'm sending out a search team." She laughed. "Really though, I miss you! Where have you been?"

The less she knows the better. I bet the other girls at the shop were wondering too. "I can't really talk about it." I mumbled.

"Can we grab lunch or something sometime? I want to see you."

"I don't think so," I didn't know how to end this. "Things are a mess right now. Hey I gotta go, I'll talk to you later."

I hung up before she could respond.

My phone rang again and I groaned. Why am I Miss Popular all the sudden? I looked and it was Sharon. I thought about ignoring it, but decided against it. Maybe she needed something.

"Hello?" I sighed.

"Hey Jess," she said, a little out of breath. "What's the deal on the police?"


"I had a meeting this morning and all these policemen were saying they had a court date set up for you. Is that true?"

My breathing faltered, I hated how my life suddenly revolved around Jake. When he was alive it revolved around him, and even after he's dead it still does. I wanted him out of my life for a reason.

"No." I breathed out.

"Someone's going to find you, Jess. You need to stop acting like everything's okay." She said, which caught me off guard.


"I'm a detective, I know these things. You can't murder someone and expect everyone to forget about it eventually-"

"What are you trying to say?" I said, pissed off.

"I'm saying you might as well turn yourself in. There's no way out of-"

I hung up. I don't know why she thought she could suddenly tell me what to do, she wasn't my mother.

I rummaged through some drawers in the kitchen, putting dishes away. I slammed cupboards and stomped around. I was acting like I was 3 but I didn't care. I kept putting dishes away from the dish washer when I accidentally grabbed a knife a little too harshly.

"Shit," I muttered, blood slowly dripping from my palm.

I rinsed it in the sink immediately which only caused me to whimper in pain. I wrapped a paper towel around it and leaned back against the counter, taking a breath.

Maybe she was right, I thought. It's not like they're going to forget about me eventually. They're going to keep looking until they find me. I felt the back of my eyes sting and hated myself for letting this subject get to me so much. Before I knew it I was crying, but I didn't care. Justin wasn't home, and I'm glad he wasn't at the moment. I hated when he saw me cry, especially because he's the kind of person who needs to make everything better. Well, you definitely can't make this situation any better. Of course right at that moment, he walked in.

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