Chapter 2

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Hampstead, North Carolina, was a place anyone would dream to live. It was the kind of town where everyone knows everyone. Well, almost anyway. The beach was beautiful, and the little shops always made me smile. The shop I worked at was a clothing store, and it has a cute little beach theme. Like what you would see in a movie, but better.

I'm 19, and I live on my own in a little house along the beach. My dad was killed in a car accident when my mom was still pregnant with me, and as far as my mom goes, I'm not really sure what the story is there. All I know is she left me when I was 6, and no one knows where she went. Why she left, where she is, are all questions I still have to figure out. The more I think about her, however, the more I don't want to find out. If she's alive, if she's with some other family... I don't want to know.

From the day I was born, my mom and I were inseparable. She was my best friend, and from what I remember, I was hers too.

I remember the day she left like it was yesterday. I was only six years old, which made it that much harder.

I tried to remember as much as I could, letting the memories flood my brain.

"What's going on? Where are we going?" I ask her, tears spilling out of my eyes.

"Aww, baby," she zipped up her last suitcase. "You're not going anywhere, but I am. You have to trust me, okay?" She wiped my cheeks.

I watched as she put her suitcases in the car, and came back to kneel in front of me.

She sighed, looking at me with a tired look. "I love you so much," she said. "I would never want to hurt you."

My chin quivered as looked into her eyes.

"I know you might never forgive me for this, but I hope you will one day," she hugs me tightly.

"When are you coming back?" I choke on my tears.

She frowns, looking away. "I'm not. I really hope you'll understand this one day, Jessica," she wiped my cheeks and looked into my eyes one last time. "Goodbye."

By the time I got to the driveway, all I could see was her car far in the distance, getting smaller and smaller by the second.

I cringed remembering the worst day of my life. After that, I had no one. My dad was dead, my mom was gone. I ended up living with my neighbors, who didn't pay much attention to me. By the time I was sixteen, they let me live in the house that belonged to my mom and I, since it was right next to theirs. It gave us a little space, but they still took care of me.

When I was eighteen, my neighbors told me they were moving to Utah for business. I was okay with it though, I had basically been living on my own for long enough anyway. I haven't talked to them since.

My mom owned the clothing shop that I work at since she was younger, and I was always there as kid. Like I said, we were inseparable. Once she left, the place just sort of became mine, and there's something special about it that I can't seem to let go.

There are five other girls who work at the shop. Morgan, Kelsey, Amber, Brooklyn, and Jamie.

I know I'm a little young to own something that seems so big, but it's pretty much what I've been around my whole life. It was my life.

All six of us were the same age, and even though it seems like we'd be the best of friends, we're really not as close as you'd think. I mean, of course we're all really good friends, but it's not like we hang out on the weekends or anything. We used to, but I don't really know what happened to that. I missed that.

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