Chapter 27

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He stared at me, making me a little uncomfortable. "What's wrong?"

He could see right through me, he always could. It never failed to amaze me.


"Bullshit." He stepped closer to me, making me uneasy. Putting a hand to my cheek, I stepped back, releasing his hand from my face.

"I'm okay," I said, turning around. I cleaned out the coffee maker, rinsing it in the sink.

I stared at the bottom of the sink, trying to look like I was hard at work. I then felt a warm pair of lips suck on my neck gently from behind. I dropped the coffee pot at the contact, making it shatter in the sink.

"Shit," he whispered. "I'm sorry-"

"It was my fault," I sighed. I slowly turned around, his eyes locking with mine. I gripped the counter behind me, not knowing what was going to happen.

"Tell me to stop," he whispered. "That's all you have to do."

I started to breathe heavier. He looked deeply into my eyes, taking a step closer. The moon illuminated his face from the window behind me, every feature standing out. He smiled faintly, touching my cheek once more. I looked at him nervously, suddenly feeling two inches tall as he towered over me. He grasped my hip suddenly, pulling me into him. Licking his lips, he pressed them against mine firmly.

My insides erupted at the contact. I almost forgot what kissing him felt like. He ran both of his hands up and down my back, making me completely relax. He brought me such comfort, it was unexplainable.

He brought his hands lower so they ran down to the back of my thighs. Hoisting me up, he gently set me down on the counter. I started to smile, and I could feel him smile back. He picked me up, making me gasp in surprise. He walked over to the couch, laying me down on my back. He trailed his lips down my jaw, then down my neck, sucking gently. I tried my hardest to be quiet since Riley was just upstairs. I let out a small moan, causing him to bite down on my skin instantly. I grasped his neck in surprise, which made him laugh.

"Too much for you Jess?"

"N- No," I tried to keep my breathing normal.

"Don't lie," he bit down harder.

"I- um, I-" I couldn't move, I couldn't speak.

"You know that I don't have anything going on with Riley, right?" He continued to suck on my neck, probably leaving a mark.

"Yes. No. I don't know," I let out a shaky breath. "Jesus Justin, how do you expect me to talk right now?"

He laughed again. "You're jealous."

"N- No, I'm-"

"Yes, you are." He started to slowly grind against me, throwing me over the edge.

"We can't do this," I gave him a small push.

He sat up. "What? Why?"

"You leave in a couple days, and I'll probably never see you again," I started to lose my voice, getting choked up.

He frowned, plopping down next to me. "Jess-"

"Do you know how hard that's gonna be?" I whispered more to myself than him.

He looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry-"

"Why'd you do it?"


"Why'd you drug me?" I scooted away from him slightly, suddenly remembering what he did.

His eyes grew big. "That's for a different day."

"No, it's for today," I looked deeply into his eyes, just wanting answers to it all. I'm done with all these games.

"I'm not-"

"Just say it."

"I can't, Jess!" He stood up from the couch, rubbing his temples slightly. "Take no for an answer this time, okay?"

"Are you being serious?" I stood up then too. "You don't think I deserve to know?"

"There's so much you don't know," he whispered, making my heart plummet.

"Like what? Tell me," I stepped closer, which resulted in him backing away, shaking his head vigorously.

"No," he shook his head again. "Hell no."

"And why the hell not?"

"Because I said so!" He yelled, making me jump back. "I'm not only trying to keep you safe, I'm trying to keep myself safe too."

"We're on the same team!" I screamed. "Why are you acting so weird?"

"Don't," he said. "Just please, don't question me."

My mind was spinning with a million thoughts, not being able to believe my ears. "The night I was in the hospital..."

"What about it?"

"Your mom called you," I took a deep breath. "Why?"

He ran a hand through his hair. "I don't know Jess, maybe because that's what moms do?"

I shook my head sadly. "What did she say?"

"Why the hell would you need to know?"

"I'm just trying to figure everything out!" I cried.

"You don't think I want answers too?!" He screamed.

"You know way more than I do and you won't even tell me!"

"I'm trying to help you Jess!" He threw his arms in the air.

"You couldn't even if you tried," I spat as I felt his palm collide with my face, my body falling to the floor. He was breathing heavy, staring down at me while I held my cheek. "What's wrong with you?"

He spun around, grabbing his jacket and putting it on. Taking one last look at me, he threw open the door as well as slamming it behind him, leaving me alone and miserable once more.


i'm pretty sure this is literally the shortest chapter in the history of chapters ever made but let me explain. i was thinking about how i don't update like really often so this week i wanted to do this thing where i updated two days with two different chapters, but they'd be short. this is such a stupid idea but i will only do it once throughout this book i swear. so the next update will be tomorrow, and it will be a somewhat short chapter but it will at least be a little longer than this one. this one is just unexplainable short and i'm terribly sorry. anywayy, i try to update at midnight the day of the updates but sometimes i loose track of time so i'm sorry lol. wow this note is almost longer than the chapter itself. love you all and sorry again! :*

twitter: @avonsshawtyy


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