Chapter 5

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You got home at 9:30, just about ready to fall over exhausted. You opened the front door, and tiredly took off your shoes. After that, you dragged your feet up to your room. You didn't even care that the door slammed, potentially having woken up your parent. You couldn't muster changing, you just threw yourself into the bed and immediately fell asleep.

When you awoke the next morning, it wasn't due to you yourself having woken up naturally or even your wretched alarm. No, someone had texted you at f*cking 5:30 in the morning. At that moment your bloodshot eyes cracked open to hearing your phone alert you, "I Wish They'd Just Die" started to play in the background. Now you totally understood Kaito.. You dragged yourself to the other side of the warm bed, where your phone was charging. Your hiss from the bright light sounded as when vampires were exposed to the sun, painful and full of hate for the world.

When your eyes finally managed to get used to the light from the phone, you looked at who had disturbed you. Wait 'til they heard you! Your bloodshot eyes widened. It was... Jimin? Why would he text you at 5 freaking 30 in the morning!? You know what, it didn't matter if this was Jimin! You would give him an earful of never waking you up so early in the morning; not even Jisoos could save him now.

Your eyes quickly scanned the message, it said,"Good morning (y/n)!". For a moment, your heart melted a little and you temporarily forgot about your rage. But then it returned within a moment, and your cheeks flushed in an angry blush. Your fingers started to type without waiting for your mind to catch up, and you ended up saying to Jimin,"... Why the hell would you text me at 5:30 in the morning...?". You immediately felt bad, and quickly typed,"I'm sorry, I'm just typing without thinking! Good morning Jimin, how are you?".

Jimin took some time, it was probably due to him writing in English, and maybe he got mad at you. At long last, you received his message that red,"I'm fine (y/n)! I'm sorry for having you woken up at 5:30..", you felt a small bit of you die inside at the smol mochi,"I thought you would be awake by this time.. When I went to high school, I woke up at 4:30..". You sighted, of course he did. You shook your head, and asked him,"What are you doing up so early anyway? You're certainly not in high school anymore..".

Jimin nervously laughed on the other side of the phone, and typed,"I was writing a song". You cocked your head to the side, he was writing a song? It didn't matter anyway, now that you were awake, you should totally take this opportunity to talk with him. So that's what you did. You talked until your mother hollered at you to get your lazy @ss up, and with great willpower, you got up from the comfortable bed.

You said goodbye to Jimin, and wished him good luck with the pending song. This time, you weren't stupid enough to run to the train station without a good reason. You had a reasonable amount of time to get to school, and you were just tired from having woken up so early today. At least you got to talk to Jimin!

You got to school on time, and were sluggish all day; partly due to waking up early, and listening to the teacher's drone. Your science teacher was extra boring today, but at least you had a lab. You performed the experiment with ease, and filled up your notebook with the information obtained. When you were done (your lab partner hadn't even done anything), you waited impatiently for the bell to ring. Once it did though, you bolted out of the classroom as if a teacher from Yandere Simulator was chasing you. You made it to lunch on record time, and sat down. You opened your lunch, and quickly ate; you had promised Jimin you would talk to him during your lunch.

Your friend arrived at long last to lunch, but you didn't even notice. You continued to stuff your mouth with food, barely savoring the tasty lunch. They raised an eyebrow at your strange behavior, but didn't say anything. After another longest minutes of your life, you managed to finish the large amount of food you had packed. You quickly took out your phone, only to realize Jimin had sent you a text three minutes ago. You excitedly typed your answer, and smiled giddily when Jimin responded back.

You continued to talk to him, until (b/f) snatched your phone away. Your eyes filled with anger, and you exclaimed,"Give me back my phone!". (b/f) huffed, and said,"No! Pay attention to me! I've literally been talking to you, yet you haven't been paying attention at all!". Your eyebrows furrowed in anger and slight guilt, and you sighted and said,"I'm sorry.. But can I have my phone back? I'm talking with someone important". Your friend's eyes narrowed, and they exclaimed,"Oh? So someone's more important than your best friend?! I see! Who even are they??".

Your eyes widened, you didn't want them to see who you were texting! You didn't know why, but you had a feeling that if (b/f) saw who you were texting all hell would break loose. Oh well, f*ck it; you threw yourself at them, and tried to wrestle the phone out of their hands. During the fight, all Jimin was receiving was ,"sgioigrnionrgengurjnroe". He raised a perfect eyebrow, what was happening to you? Just to make sure you were ok, he wrote,"Are you ok (y/n)?".

Your phone vibrated, meaning you got a message. That small distraction was fatal, as (b/f) managed to wrestle the phone out of your hands. They looked at the screen, and narrowed their eyes... And burst out laughing. You raised an eyebrow, were they okay? You hesitantly spoke in a hushed voice,"Are.. Are you ok?". They looked at you with tears in their eyes, and said,"You were ignoring me for an app that lets you talk with "BTS"? I have the same app, you could have asked me for it!".

You nodded uneasily, what were they talking about? You didn't have any app about BTS on your phone, why did (b/f) think that? They looked at the phone, and said,"Huh.. So this is your bias? Cool; basic, but cool". They then smirked, and said,"This legitimately looks like a real conversation! On the same app, there's so much misspelling and Engrish".

Their smirk turned mischievous, and they typed something. Your eyes widened, what were they typing?! You desperately snatched the (f/c) phone away from (b/f), and checked the s*it they sent him. You facepalmed at the message,"Jimin, you got no jams". What the f*ck did that mean? Jimin facepalmed on the other side of the phone, and just wrote,"...". You almost cried at seeing Jimin's response, and quickly typed,"Omg, I'm so sorry! I don't know why my friend sent that, but I'm sincerely sorry!".

Jimin sighted, he didn't like being reminded about him having no jams, but he knew it wasn't your fault. Wait, he realized, did you know about him being famous? He didn't know, but he typed,"Oh, it's ok (y/n). Are you okay?". You sighted, relieved, and quickly typed on your phone,"Yeah, I'm fine. A little bit shaken up, but otherwise fine".

You didn't know (b/f) contained that type of strength, now you knew not to mess with them.. It's probably due to them going to the gym and actually doing exercise; unlike you, who were a potato couch to heart. Jimin chuckled at your response, and said,"At least you're fine, (y/n)". You chuckled and said,"Yes, I'm fine. But damn, now I know not to mess with my friend!". Jimin laughed, and said,"Why? They're too strong?". You giggled, and typed,"Yes, I wasn't able to beat them in an actual fight. I should go to the gym more..".

Namjoon knocked on Jimin's door once, and called out,"Jimin, we have practice in ten minutes! Get ready!". Jimin said,"Ok, I will hyung!". Namjoon left, and Jimin sighted a bit. He wanted to talk to you more, but then he remembered that you would have to abandon him too in a bit because your lunch would be ending soon.

He opened his closet to grab some clothes that he felt comfortable sweating in. He typed,"Bye (y/n), I need to go! Have a good day!". You smiled, and said,"Bye Jimin!". You left your phone, and said to (b/f)," Ok, you have me now. Sorry for ignoring you," you decided to go with the lie that you were talking on an app for BTS," for being on a stupid app. So, what were you saying earlier?". Your friend's eyes shined, and they start to talk. You talk to them until the bell rings, and you have to go back to your sh*tty math class.

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