Chapter 20

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Jimin's POV
His heart was beating so fast, it was reaching an inhuman pace. His mind was racing a million kilometers an hour for so many reasons. For one, he was about to perform for millions of devoted fans; and two, he had planned something special for you. Jimin tried to calm himself down, he didn't want to have an embarrassing moment in front of the fans again.

He breathed in and out, and the other members looked at him weirdly. Usually, it was Jimin who was the most calm in situations as he used his mind to rationally think, but today that was not really the case. Although all the members were nervous, as they should be, Jimin was the most jumpy out of all of them. He gulped, the concert would be starting any moment now. He was now slightly hyperventilating, and his first reaction was to look at his wrist where his soulmate's name would be in bold, black letters. It was almost completed, which was something Jimin looked very forward to since he was a child. When the letters had appeared, he had been so happy. He had always believed he would be doomed to never meet his soulmate, and in return, he had decided to play stupid games with girl's hearts. At some point, girls had started to call him the heartbreaker.

His brown eyes widened, the name on his pale wrist was complete. Jimin wanted to break down crying right there on the spot, but he remembered he had a concert to attend to. He finally saw the fans, and he gave them a watery smile. He didn't know if the fans noticed, but he certainly didn't mind if they did. Right now, he was the happiest man on this earth. Screw that, the universe. Jimin put all his energy into this one concert, today he would give it 120% effort!

His chocolate orbs quickly scanned the audience for your beautiful face, and he smiled in relief when he saw your cheerful visage. He observed your (e/c) eyes were shining with amazement, and your glossy lips were slightly opened in curiosity. Jimin instantly felt rejuvenated the moment your eyes and his make contact, and he started to sing honeyed words with the voice of angels. He grinned as he saw the happiness reflected from your eyes, and turned to look at the full name on his right wrist, "( L A S T  N A M E / F I R S T  N A M E ) ".

(y/n)'s POV
The excitement in the room was almost tangible, and you perfectly understood the reason for that. Heck, you probably were the one exhibiting the most of the emotion. Min Seo, who was at your right, was biting her rosy full lips wrecked with excitement and nervousness. (b/f), they were holding their breath, silently awaiting for BTS to come into the stage. You were a mix of Min Seo and (b/f), and your heart stopped the instant you saw Jimin and his band members on the stage. Your (e/c) orbs filled with amazement at seeing Jimin's masculine figure, and your pink, glossy lips were slightly opened in curiosity to see what the boys would perform for everyone today. Your eyes filled with another familiar emotion, happiness, as you heard Jimin's soft voice start to sing along with the other boys. You saw Jin oppa looking at Min Seo eonni and no one else, and you turned to look at the older female's reaction. Her radiant smile stretched from ear to ear, and her black eyes reflected the same happiness as when you looked at Jimin.

Fans definitely noticed the two members' reactions, as they saw that they were looking at no one else but those two people sitting at the front row. The fans started to suspect it was the same case as what had happened in Manila with Taehyung, but maybe it wasn't; who knew? You closed your eyes, and just let everything go. You sing to your heart's content, carefree, and Jimin smiled seeing that you could have that reaction listening to him. You opened your eyes to see Jimin, and you noticed he kept looking at his wrist with happiness and then back at you. You were slightly confused, had something happened?

A thought started to dawn on you, maybe Jimin had found his soulmate, and he kept looking at you because he would break things up with you to go to her. No, this was a happy moment and you shouldn't ruin it because of stupid assumptions. But, if it turns out you were indeed correct, then you would sadly leave Jimin. You loved him that much that you would bottle in your heartbreak just to see him happily in love with his true soulmate. You shook your head, and decided to just focus on right now, the present. You apprehensively looked at you left wrist, and saw the neat, black, curvy letters. It still red," P A R   J I  I N", and even though you were still hesitant about knowing who your soulmate would be, you wanted to just know who it was.

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