Chapter 11

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Jimin's POV
It was the next day, Jimin felt so hungry. He could feel his energy slowly dwindling from him over time, he couldn't even get up from his bed. He sat pensive, he had already cried off all his sadness. Jimin thought about what his band members had told him, he dryly chuckled. They were probably right, as a matter of fact he knew they were right.

Jin was correct, Jimin could be quite stubborn at times.. He sighted, and decided to come out of his room. Jungkook was right, he was only hurting himself and others isolating himself. Jimin smiled, in the hours he had been locked in his room, his mind had tricked him into thinking he was alone in the world. He now knew it was not true, his brothers had proved otherwise.

Hoseok came back like he promised, and knocked on the wooden door. He called out,"Jimin..? Are you ok? Please come out of your room..". Jimin tried to speak, but his throat was dry. He finally managed to speak hoarsely,"Hoseok hyung, please help.. I don't have enough energy to get up..". Hoseok heard him, and his eyes widened. He shouted,"Jimin..! Yes, don't worry! I'll go open the door for you! Just wait a bit..".

Hoseok ran away to the living room in a panic, and said,"Jin hyung! Jin hyung! Jimin finally responded, he said he needs help coming out of his room! He doesn't have enough energy!!". Jin's eyes widened with worry, and he breathed out,"I believe the maids have the key to Jimin's door! Call a maid!". Jungkook nodded, and quickly went to a phone. He dialed the front desk, and the woman answered with,"Yes, front desk. How may--". Jungkook interrupted her, and cried out,"Please send a maid into room F204, my friend needs help!".

The woman opened her eyes, and she said seriously,"Does your friend need medical assistance?". Jungkook looked over at Hoseok, and said,"Does Jimin hyung require medical assistance?". Yoongi said,"He probably does.. Tell the woman yes". Jungkook nodded, and said into the phone,"Yes, he does!". The woman said,"Alright, I've already sent a maid to your rooms. I will call an ambulance. Please monitor your friend, and remain calm while the ambulance arrives". Jungkook almost cried, but said,"Thank you! Thank you very much!". The woman smiled, and said,"You're welcome, sir" and hung up.

A moment later, a maid knocked on the room. Taehyung quickly opened the door, and the maid rushed in. It was apparent that they had informed her that a medical emergency was happening, as she was quite adamant about getting to Jimin's room as quickly as possible. She quickly opened the room, and left the hotel room without a word. Jungkook cried out Jimin's name; Jimin was laying down in his bed, unconscious. The boys rushed into Jimin's room, and Namjoon checked Jimin's pulse and breathing. The man sighted in relief when he saw Jimin was still alive, but he was still worried as he noticed Jimin's breaths were labored.

The boys waited for the ambulance to arrive, and when they arrived they were relieved. Jin and Yoongi rode with Jimin on the ambulance, as they were the two oldest members in the group. The rest took a cab to the hospital, and waited for Jimin's result. At long last, the doctor came into the waiting room. The desperate men looked at the doctor, and Taehyung demanded,"How's Jimin hyung?".

The doctor sighted somehow understanding Taehyung, and said,"Mr. Park is in the clear, although he is malnourished. He was horribly dehydrated as well, so we have him on an IV distributing fluids to him. It appears he's also exhausted, how long do you say he was locked in his room?". Namjoon translated for the rest of the group; Jin sighted, and said,"Jimin was locked in his room for two days", and Namjoon quickly translated for the doctor. The doctor nodded, and said,"Mr. Park will have to stay overnight in the hospital. He'll be discharged in the morning, after some tests. I recommend he continues the therapies he was taking before he went on tour".

Yoongi nodded at the doctor's words, understanding the basic meaning behind them. The boys sighted in relief, they were glad Jimin hadn't experienced much damage. They were quiet, just thankful that Jimin was okay. Yoongi was the first to break the silence,".. I'll stay and watch over Jimin". The rest raised their eyebrows, and said,"Are you sure?". Yoongi nodded, and then Jin said,"Alright, please inform us if there are any changes in Jimin's health!". Yoongi hummed in response to his hyung, and the boys left the hospital to go back to the hotel.

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