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TWO; Need the Sun to Break

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TWO; Need the Sun to Break

      "RORY? WHAT... WHAT'S WRONG? WHY ARE YOU CRYING?" Remus dashed towards her, dropping to his knees in concern. "Rory..."

Missouri sniffles, shaking her head. "Don't ask me that because I don't know either," She sniffled again, drawing her wool jacket around her self. "Damn these hormones. Will you help me up so I don't have to spend the next twenty five minutes feeling like an idiot?"

"Remus? Oh—Oh! What's wrong? What's happened?" Tonks panicked, tripping over an umbrella stand when she ran towards them.

"I didn't fall, don't worry," Missouri assures her, and frustratingly enough, her eyes start tearing up again when the wool coat didn't go over to wrap around her belly as well like it always did. Why wouldn't it fit? "Oh my godric, it doesn't fit. It doesn't fit—"

"Hey, hey, Rory," Remus tries not to panic as he conjured up a chair and guided Rory to sit down. "Breathe, please? Calm down."

Missouri smacked his hands away, crying, "It doesn't fit, Remus! I'm getting too fat!"

"You're carrying a person, that's normal," He pressed on, rubbing her shoulders. "Tonks, will you please go get some water?" Remus thanked Merlin that he had experience with a pregnant Lily Potter before, that provided him some knowledge to calm her down. "Here, let me. Engorgio."

The wool jacket enlarged a bit, so now it was big on her just as it was before and drowned her body in it, managing to get around her belly. Remus let out a sigh of relief once Missouri sniffled, and finally calmed down. "See? Nothing to cry about."

"Why don't you try being eight months pregnant?" Missouri snapped at him hotly. I look forward very much to the day this human gets out of me, jesus christ.

"Let's go downstairs, shall we?" Remus offered lightly, scared to be in the crossfire of a pregnant woman's anger. "Get some fresh air and bright lights."

Missouri would go for a brighter atmosphere, beginning to think that the household matched its namesake. Grim old place. "That—That sounds good," She nodded, letting him help her stand. Missouri cradled her bump as she scrunched her nose up at the sight of stairs. She was definitely never staying another night here for that.

Fortunately, they managed to make it down safely. Not that Remus would risk it, he had the thought that James's spirit might haunt him for the rest of his life if he let Missouri get hurt. Missouri sighed as she felt her baby kick against her palm, assuring her they were fine.

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