Bluffing can work. . .exclusively at Asgard

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   There is some ways to prank Duetei. . .  . And Thor's friends without anyone knowing who did it. One of these ways is using some markers. One of the advantages being a artistic girl ,who used to draw a lot, is that ya keep markers in yer backpack. Also that I was having these nightmares. So  I got up in the middle of the night. Never knew who knocked me out last week walking away from the Gang's secret-Bifrost loophole.

A group of  Asgardian kids found me; and boy, they are a bunch of over-creative kids. They clamed it wasn't them, and that they found me curled up in a sleeping position beside a big tree.I wasn't even tired on that day! Man, talk about weird stuff going onAll that I got from being knocked out was a awful, terrible headache. I made them swear not to tell anyone about this. Besides, who wants to not be grounded from leaving the castle?

No one.

Right now it is dark and everyoine is asleep, except me. Why? I  had a nightmare.

"Smiley face." I had my tongue out at the corner.'


I put the yellow marker's lid back on.

I'm wearing fingerless gloves (most people would say those are sports gloves) on both hands; one, to hide the fact I got a black spot, and two, not let everyone get so worried over me. What could possibly go wrong from not showing them? Nothing can go wrong! Nobody asks why I am wearing them because the answer will always be: "Fingerless gloves are cool."

I held the hammer upside up.

"Hm .  .  ." I rub my chin. "Somethin' missin' on this.'

 I let go of the yellow marker; letting it levitate above the floor.

Then a light bulb went off in my head.


 I grab my red marker, take the top off and put the lid on the floor.  Then it is used to  outline the smiley face's mouth similar to lipstick. I don't like lipstick nor is there any plans to put them on in the future. That would only happen if there was something very important (or urgent) where it is needed. Such as doing something a Jame's Bond kind of spy would usually do when on a secret mission during a dance; wear high heels, black dress that does not end at my feet, and a gray shirt that ends at the elbow. Meh, that would never happen. I am never gonna get in high heels.

   If ya took a step back, then ya would be seeing hovering markers drawing on the weapons. This is the weaponary room. It's probably ten feet long and fifteen feet wide; but it is wide enough to hold a celebration. There are some Asgardians who leave their weapons here for the night. From what I've heard; their weapons can appear at their side out of the blue when something wakes them up and there is someone else in their house. It's kind of like a man getting a toy lightsaber or a baseball bat when checking out the commotion. Thinking about this reminds me of a movie that is meant to be fictional.

   From the corner of my eye; a shadow went by the door.

 I look over my shoulder and saw not a person there.

 "This is probably my own imagination playing tricks on me." I shrug it off, adding a mustache above the smiley on Thor's hammer.

  There are footsteps down  the hall; and then I heard something fall.So I made all the markers get their lids back on and fly back into the marker box  (It was  unzipped thirty minutes ago). Next, as a logical person would do, I go out the room and tip toe to the source of this noise. If there's anything that can frighten me then it might as well be  .  .  .Statues moving in the night. Then that shadow appears again; this time I saw the shadow more clearly.

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