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    .  . .8:44 Pm  .  .   .

 .   . . Night  .  .  .

“Who are you, really?” The Unusual man asks Loki, standing near an Ambulance.

“I cannot tell.” Loki said.  “You can call me,Agent Oddinson.”

“What about the guy who was supposed to be Agent Kang’s Partner.” The Unusul man said, as the ambulance people put a body into the vehicle. We see that Joy looks very, very unwell and her eyes look wide open. It’s as though someone forced her to watch an entire season of some anime.

“He’s not human.” Loki said, getting in. “And if you were agent Kang, then you probably would be searching at a dock for Kevin’s dead body. You might find a bite-mark on Kevin’s neck.” The Unusual man looks at him oddly. “Don’t blame the undead for it; it was someone else. It’s always going to be someone else who killed a lunatic serial killer.”

Loki changed his appearance on The Unusual man, again. This time he picked the unusual man’s appearance and takes off a exclusively added hat with a smile at him. Technically it was Loki and Agent ‘Fewler’ who killed the serial killer. Loki watches the man’s face become the general gist of ‘Holy shit’.

“Bye.” Loki said, with a little wave.

Loki changes back to his Agent Oddinson appearance right before the doors were closed by the emergency responders—or should we just call them Ambulance workers?—in front of the unusual man’s eyes. The Unusual man stood there still trying to understand what had happened before his eyes. What kind of madness is living in this world would forever become a mystery to the unusual man.

__                                          ___                                                 ____

.  .  .  .October 10th .  .  .

 .  . .   2011.  .  .

StarBucks is not a dream job, trust me. I don’t know how teenagers these days dreamalize it to be their slagging dream job but it ain’t possible; trust me. It is only possible in band fanfictions existing in the internet. It can be the worst job making a perfect coffee and then giving it to someone else who will no doubt mess it up. I had a job at Starbuck for a week. Why did I quit after a week? A lot of ‘five way’ fangirls were asking me how to get my job. Who could stand nuisance in a StarBucks this long? Oh yeah; not me.

 I discovered a few of my favorite sites exist in this realm.

Not only is Hasbro missing in prominent franchise’s, HighBro exists in its place.

“Where’s the Toy section?”  Mrs. Elizabeth Henneth, a well-dressed young woman, stirs me awake from a long trance. Her voice is really alarming because it sounds deep and pretty loud coming from her. Mrs.Henneth is twisting a lock of her red hair in a bunch. Why did I say her name?

This is when I must present an odd fact: every woman in her family has the first letter ‘e’.

“Sorry.” I muttered apologetically while shaking my head. Then I look over the counter to see her daughter Ellie. 

Ellie is holding her brown teddy bear for dear life. Mrs.Henneth is really one of the craziest drivers I have ever seen—a window to the store shows the parking lot—so far in this realm. That’s why Ellie’s hair is sticking out in all directions like electricity had been applied to her head like a magic ball.

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