Oneshot 3: Birthday Present

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Another oneshot, because why not?

My eyes briefly flicked towards Arthur at the High Table as I made towards the door. He was chatting merrily with the councilmen; too busy to notice that his own servant would be absent and that another was filling the wine in his place. My feet carried me past the laughing knights and noblemen, and out into the deserted hallway. The emptiness was no surprise, almost everyone was in the Great Hall, drinking wine and celebrating the king's birthday. I steered myself up stairs and hallways, a light spring in my step. Ever since I had realised that I had actually grown fond of the patronising dollop-head, I had used the half hour nearing the end of the banquet, when most of the guards had drunk themselves, to sneak out and celebrate his birthday on my own.

After a few minutes of walking through the castle, I reached a set of battlements. The set of battlements. The ones that no-one ever bothered to visit, the ones that I always came to at this time every year, without fault. Bending down, I slid away a loose brick from the floor, and pulled out a time-worn old box. I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face like wildfire as I pulled out an intricate paper lantern. I had been waiting so long for this moment, ever since the Spring Festival last year when I had bought this and stored it up here, I had anticipated the moment when I could finally set it alight in honour of my king.

I held the object in my hand, gazing at every inch, grateful that the preservation spell I had placed on it last year was still effective. Lantern in hand, I leaned against the railing, taking a moment to cherish the view of the serene citidael below me. Putting my hand cautiously inside the lantern, I pressed my fingertip lightly against that wick of the candle inside, and murmured 'Forbaeran'. The candle caught on fire and illuminated every crevice of the delicate object. So strikingly familiar to the way that the rays from the sun spread through Arthur's golden locks, flooding his features, making his smile glow brighter, making his sky blue eyes glisten in the most Arthur-esque way imaginable. The lantern slowly lifted itself off my slightly lingering palms, and glided gracefully through the chilly air, taking its own slow, sweet time. "Happy Birthday, Arthur." I sighed, content.

"Why thank you. But I still must say, are you so incompetent that you can't even light a lantern without magic?"

My head whipped around with force I was unaware I possessed, and was met with Arthur leaning against the door, a slight smile playing on his lips.

"Arthur please, I- I can explain," I fumbled, but immediately stopped in confusion as Arthur let out an amused chuckle.

"I've known for a long time, Merlin. I'm not thick, after all."

"That's debatable." I murmured irritably. At this, Arthur laughed as he leaned against the railing with me. The sound was the most gorgeous thing I had ever heard, and the warmth in it reached down and spread across my body. Arthur's laugh naturally had that effect over me, as has been since the day we met, and soon I was laughing along with him.

"But in all due seriousness," Arthur said, turning to face me, "Why did you never trust me enough to tell me?"

My heart sank at his words. There was a spark of hurt in his voice that crushed my soul, and I couldn't bear for him to feel that because of me.

"I wanted to, Arthur. I really did." I placed a hand on his arm, and noted how he slightly leant into the touch. "But-"

"But what?"

"I didn't want to make you choose between my life and upholding your father's laws."

"If it had ever come to that, rest assured that I would always choose you, Merlin. You're the only friend I have and I don't know what I would do if any harm comes of you."

A slight blush crept across my cheeks as I waited for him to take the compliment back, and was pleasantly surprised when he didn't.

"Thank you Arthur." I flashed him a smile.

"Don't mention it. No, really. Otherwise I will take it back. Anyway, I take it you weren't born with magic just so you could light candles on my birthday, although that would be much appreciated."

I looked into Arthur's eyes, my gaze firm and unavoiding.

"It is your destiny, to be the greatest king Camelot has ever known. To unite the lands of Albion. But I, I was born to serve you, Arthur. To be at your side like I always am, protecting you. And I'm proud of that. I wouldn't change a thing."

Arthur's crystal-like orbs were hooked with mine, overflowing with emotion. Forgiveness, contentment, loyalty... and desire. I could feel his warm breath tingling at the tip of my nose. I felt my other hand reaching up and cupping his face, shivering with satisfaction at the contact while my thumb caressed his jawbone. Our heads leaned closer and closer, drawn inexplicably together as if our lips were magnets. Arthur lingered in my breath, savouring the moment, and then captured my lips with his own.

The world around us blurred, and the only thing I could comprehend was the sensation of Arthur's chest pressed against me, moaning as I wrapped a hand round his waist and kissed deeper. His tongue hesitantly licked at my lip, and I immediately granted him passage, sinking into the feeling of him eagerly exploring my entire mouth.

All too soon, we had to come up for air, and I reluctantly pulled my lips away, resting my forehead against his. The warm air between us mingled with the cold breeze enveloping our bodies, as we stood in eachother's arms, our hearts finally where they belonged, finally home.

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