Oneshot: A Very Merthur-y Christmas

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MERRY CHRISTMAS (or Christmas Eve or Post-christmas IDK bout all ur time zones)!!!! I have a new oneshot, a christmas-related one, but not that christmas-y at all to be honest. Nothing to say here, so lets get into it.

The blurry buzz of alcohol tingled in my veins as I followed Merlin down numerous corridors and flights of stairs.

"Has anyone ever pointed out just how difficult you can be under the effects of mead?" He grumbled.

"Has anyone ever pointed out just how adorable you are when you're triggered?" I replied, planting a wet kiss on his cheekbone.

"Prat." Merlin pushed open the door to my chambers and hauled me inside, a deep crimson reaching out to the tips of his ears. Once inside, I slumped onto the bed, and proceeded to stare at Merlin as he scurried around my chambers, picking up objects I hadn't bothered to pick up myself.

"Every year, it is the same thing. The Christmas festivities aren't even fun anymore. Even the banquet's lost it's usual glory." I complained with a sour face. "They're only ever tolerable because you're there."

Merlin flashed me a grin, clearly touched by what I'd said.
"Hey, look on the bright side; I got you a really good present this year!" He bounded over to the closet and produced a neatly wrapped parcel

"Thank you, Merlin." I said, unable to keep myself from smiling. "That's one present I actually want to open."

My manservant thrust the parcel into my hands eagerly, bouncing on the balls of his boots. "Open it." Upon undoing the wrapping, I pulled out a garment that made my breath catch.

"I-its gorgeous." I stammered, at a loss for words. In my hands were a skillfully tailored jacket, crafted by the softest, most lightweight leather I've ever encountered. The quality of the buttons and clasps were beyond anything even Camelot's finest blacksmith could ever have dreamed of producing, and there was something so distinctly Merlin about the ensemble. The raven-haired man was beaming with the utmost pride; after all, there were only a handful of things that made Arthur speechless (including Merlin naked, Merlin saving his life, Merlin's kisses, and the way Merlin's eyes glowed when he did magic).

"I knew you'd like it." He smiled, slipping the jacket over my shoulders affectionately with a peck to my lips. "I made it all myself."

"Wonders never cease." I smiled back, noticing how the material hugged me in all the right places. I suppose all those nights of making love to me had made Merlin an expert on the structure of my body.

"Well, being a sorcerer has its advantages." He slid into my lap, as I enclosed his fingers in mine.

"Of course it does." I whispered before planting a soft, lingering kiss to his lips. Merlin acted back eagerly, cupping my face and pulling me in deeper.

"Hey, I still haven't given you your present." I whispered into Merlin's mouth.

"Fancy that! The Prince of Camelot actually bought a presents for his manservant." Merlin teased, tugging softly at my hair.

"You aren't just any manservant, Merlin." I held out a smaller parcel, which, I admit, was nowhere as neatly wrapped as the parcel I'd received. A blinding grin found its way onto Merlin's face as he held up the bright red neckerchief, made out of silk that I'd personally imported.

"You really outdid yourself on this one, Arthur. Thanks!" Merlin was quick to replace his old, tattered piece of cloth with the new garment, as I marveled at how perfect it looked on him.

"Definitely a step up from your old one." I mused. Merlin chuckled, his vibrant blue gaze locking onto mine, aflame with love, and something that looked vaguely like desire.

"Although," I said slowly, pinning Merlin's slim frame down onto the bed, "I don't think you'd be needing it tonight," My fingers worked of it's own accord, slipping the neckerchief off his collarbone. I attacked the newly exposed skin with renewed vigour as he undid the laces of my shirt with record speed...

AN: I'm helpless when it comes to writing smut, so I'll just leave it there. This one's really, as in REALLY REALLY REEEEAAALY short (even for my standards), and it sucks bad, and I'm really sorry. I devoted most of the writing time to my Merlin Alternate ending book (which also has merthur). Once again thank you SOOOOOOOOO much for bearing with me atrocious writing patterns, and I'm always open to suggestions. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

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