Chapter 7 🌙

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"Way to go Sakura!" Naruto congratulates with a smile as we walk in to the medical room. I️ watch as Temari leans back against the wall and falls to the ground in relief.

I walk alongside Kakashi sensei with my arms crossed over my chest, feeling much better than before.

I watch Sakura with an arched brow as she begins handing out orders to the other medical ninja, seeming to know exactly what she's doing.

Hm, training seems to have paid off!

"You're just like the slug girl, to think that a girl just like you would come here." The old woman compliments.

Sakura smiles and turns to the older woman who I made an everlasting terrible impression on. "Yes, lady Tsunade is my master. And besides, I was told by her to come here." She sweetly says, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"You resemble her much more than the princess over there, good job." The old lady compliments once more. My already sharp eyes could be compared to slits as I glare at the old woman.

"The offer still stands, still wanna go?" I icily offer before Kakashi sensei places a gloved hand over my mouth again.

Sakura starts sheepishly laughing and shaking her head nervously. "Nonsense! I'm nothing like lady Tsunade!" She nervously laughs glancing at me every few seconds.

I roll my eyes at this and walk over to her, easily placing a arm over her shoulder since she's a tad bit shorter than me.

"Calm down Sakura's you're not the one I wanna handle." I say, feeling her body immediately tense up when I say this.

I laugh full heartedly earning weird looks from everyone, even Temari. "Just kidding! Gosh guys where's your sense of humor?"

Kakashi sensei looks up from his book and at me with an arched brow "More like where's yours."

"Master Baki and the rest of squad seven, could you come out to the hall way for a minute?" A sand ninja requests, standing at the doorway.

We all comply and walk out to the hallway, expect for Sakura since she's still tending to Kankuro.

Baki opens a scroll that the ninja hands him as I watch on carefully. "It's from the hokage." He announces, handing the scroll over to Kakashi sensei.

Kakashi calmly takes the scroll and his coal black eyes glide over the words quickly. "Well? What's granny Tsunade saying?" Naruto eagerly asks.

"It says that Gai's team has been sent here as a reinforcement unit." Kakashi sensei informs. My eyes widen a bit. Kakashi hands the scroll over to me and I read Tsunade's neat hand writing with Naruto over my shoulder reading along as well.

Naruto takes a step back and smiles "heh I bet they all got a lot stronger! I heard that Neji has become a Jonin." He says, a smile automatically making its way into my face.

"I haven't seen Neji in forever! Or rock lee either. . . Who's the other one on that team again?" I️ ask with furrowed brows making Naruto anime fall. "Tenten's in that squad!" He says, reminding me of the girl I never really talked to.

"Oh right... I forgot she existed." I stoically say.

"Baki-Sama! Kankuro has awoken." One of the medical ninja from inside the room call.

Well all walk over to the bed and watch as he wakes up in a dazed state. I stare at Kankuro in alarm, not because of what I'm seeing but because of what I'm feeling.

A sharp pain spears through my lower abdomen making my cry out and nearly fall if it weren't for Sakura's fast reflexes. "H-haru?!" She frantically asks as I clutch my lower abdomen in extreme pain.

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