Chapter 51 🌙

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It's been a little over an hour since Sasuke has entered the old and basically abandoned akatsuki base. I've kept myself calm by simply closing my eyes and staying in that weird zone where I'm kinda asleep but not really.

Team Hebi has been silent, we're all just kinda minding our own business. That's until Suigetsu decides to speak up and share his thoughts.

"I wonder if Sasuke is okay." He says, my eyes stay closed as I lay down on the rock but my ears are on full attention mode. Any information is good information that I could bring back to Pein.

"What do you mean?" Karin asks when she and Jugo both turn to the swordsman who's drinking from a bottle of water.

"What if the first akatsuki hideout is the bullseye?" Suigetsu suggests. I nearly cringe at that. I'd have to be one of the unluckiest people in the world if Itachi was in that hideout.

No one from the akatsuki comes here anymore! Maybe only on the slight occasion where we have a mission around here and need an emergency place to rest, but then again that barely ever happens.

Plus, wouldn't Kisame be with Itachi? Ugh the curiosity is killing me.

"Are you saying that Itachi is inside this hideout?" Jugo asks.

"I said, what if? This Itachi is supposed to be really strong right?" Suigetsu smirks as he asks this question.

Karin, now admittedly worried for Sasuke, shakes her head at Suigetsu's claims. "There's no way that Sasuke could loose to Itachi!" Karin exclaims.

With my eyes still closed, I scoff at her claim. Itachi could kill all three of them faster then they could blink. Underestimating someone like Itachi is probably the dumbest thing you could do as a ninja.

All eyes turn to me because of my scoff and Karin becomes irritated. "Yah who do you think you are scoffing like that? Sasuke is way stronger then you anyway, he could take on any akatsuki goon!" Karin says to which my eyes snap open revealing the blazing red color.

"Sure Sasuke is way stronger than me, give me my chakra back and let's make a bet." I murmur before sitting up and turning around to face the little group.

"First of all, I'm not an akatsuki goon. But I have a very good memory and I've noted that you called me that. Watch the fuck out. Second of all, Sasuke could be obliterated by Itachi. He probably won't though." I say, mumbling that last part.

Suigetsu furrows his eyes brows and looks up at me from his seated position. "What do you mean by he probably won't?"

I shrug and look down at my gloved hands "If I know anything about Itachi then. . . Never mind, just forget it." I say shaking my head at my own thoughts.

Itachi wouldn't just let Sasuke win would he? That's silly of me to think about. . . That sounds like something Shinji would do if I were to be completely honest. Oh Shinji, he's so troublesome as well.

"Yah, who do you think you are to be talking about Sasuke like that?!" Karin asks with an irk mark on her forehead.

I arch a brow at her. "He's my ex boyfriend and I've known him since we were like three. Go figure."

"WHAT?!" Suigetsu and Karin yell at the same time. Suigetsu stands yo and his jaw drops "Damn it damn it! Does this mean you're off limits?!"

"Sasuke and I have broken up so it wouldn't matter, I could get with anyone I want. But I'm sorry Suigetsu it would've never happened to begin with." I say, shaking my head slightly at the white haired ninja.

"I don't believe you! There's no way Sasuke would've even touched the likes of you!" Karin exclaims to which I shrug.

I chuckle at her claims, but don't deny them only for the sake of avoiding conflict. If only she knew how physically needy he actually was all that time. "Eh, shit happens. We're over now so he's available Karin." I say, lazily bringing my hand up to ruffle the top of my hair.

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