Chapter 22 🌙

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Recap: Orochimaru takes this time to look at the huge wings sprouting from my back.

"And this princess, is why no one wanted you born."


"Why would you even return to the leaf when you know they never wanted you in the first place? Haru your loyalty is respectable." Kabuto continues. "Shut up you don't know what you're talking about!" Sakura yells. She runs over and stands in front of me, looking me dead in the eye.

She gasps at what she sees and places a hand over her mouth. "H-Haru your eyes!" She exclaims to which Orochimaru chuckles. "Ah yes, those blue crystal eyes. You look more and more like your father ever day." He says, only continuing to provoke me.

I only stay perfectly still, trying to analyze my current state. There's chakra flowing everywhere in my body in huge amounts, as if I was concentrating all of my chakra in one place. But now it feels like it's everywhere. The wings begin to emit a black sort of cloak that only seems to make Orochimaru happier. "Yin release." He says to himself.

Yamato's eyes widen 'Yin release?' He thinks to himself. He watches me wearily, switching his gaze to Naruto every few seconds.

I turn only slightly to Sakura seeing that her eyes are on me "Stand back if you don't want to die." Then in a split second I'm right in front of Orochimaru wrapping a gloved hand around his throat at a speed I didn't think was possible. "I'm going to kill you."

Kabuto instantly get's in a fighting stance but it seems that his speed, which isn't slow, is too slow today for mine. I tighten my grip on Orochimaru's neck and throw him furiously, only feeling some satisfaction when I see him slam into a huge boulder and having the boulder break into rubble.

I flash next to him again and start punching him mercilessly, feeling his bones crack with a sickening sound. I totally ignore the events on the bridge as I'm loosing my shit. The wings on my back only begin to emit even more black chakra as I start seeing blood. I bring my fist back and concentrate a huge amount of chakra to it, I punch him again but this time on his gut and see his body dig itself into the ground. Almost forming a grave like whole.

I smile and the markings on my face changing to a glowing blue and become longer, my crystal like eyes becoming brighter. Orochimaru who can barely move looks at my face in shock. "Senjutsu?" He mutters to himself.

I somehow get into such a fit of rage and obtain too much power that I black out, totally unaware of my actions and in a loss of control.


"Fucking hell" I complain as I open my eyes and sit up with a raging headache. Sakura looks at me and sighs in relief  "They're back to normal." She tells herself. I groan in pain and drop my head into my hands, rubbing my temples in hopes to relieve the headache. "What happened? This is like a hangover but worse." I say earning a sweat drop from Yamato and Sakura. "Of course you would know what a hangover feels like." She mutters.

Suddenly Naruto who's besides me gets up as well.

"S-sakura." He chokes out as he sits up. "Naruto!" Sakura yells in relief, a big smile on her face. I flinch at the sound. "What happened? I was chasing that jerk Orochimaru and then what did I do after that?" Naruto asks. I lift my head up from my hands and lazily look over at the rest of my team.

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