Ch.2 Here we go again...

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It being mid-November, I already had my schedule, books, bag, and other school necessities already on me or in my locker, so I started to head towards said locker. On my way there people started to make a crowd around the front doors to the school. Must be the new kid, I thought, but that didn't matter at the moment were two things: The first being my locker and the second being the school bullies on their way over to me. "Look, I don't want trouble today" or any day for that matter "I just want to be alone." I told them, but as I told them one said "Shut up fag. We wanted to meet the new kid. You're just a waste of space." and they walked away.

Weird, I thought, they normally want to beat the daylights out of me any chance they get. I guess the new kid really is something. As I finally got my dented-beyond-repair locker to open, I saw the group start moving closer to me when suddenly, as if I had a bubble of fagitism, they all stopped in a circle as the new kid starts walking over to me. He's Hot! I thought to myself, Get a-hold of yourself Derrick, He'll be switching lockers in a day. He was a purple Husky with red on the tips of his ears, under his tail, and under his muzzle, which also seemed to go down to his stomach, but I couldn't tell. He was very well built, but not bodybuilder built. Overall on the hotness scale... 17/10 "You don't want to go near that fag do you?" the bullies tried telling him. I didn't know what he was thinking, but all he told them was "Takes one to know one I guess." God his voice is deep, I thought, He's like my dream guy but real!

As soon as he got to the locker I had to go because the bell rang. I started heading to my first class when I noticed. Everyone I saw was giving me mean glares and hateful looks, some even flipped me off, as if I had turned him gay by looking at him. I know he's hot but that doesn't mean he has to be straight.

I sat down in my first class knowing that it was pretty difficult, so I started getting things out immediately to get a good participation grade. As the rest of the students entered the class I couldn't help but notice the usual empty desks all around me remained. The teacher, Mr.Thind(Thigh-nd), entered and quieted the class. About a second later, the new kid walked into the room. "Ah, you must be Mr. Strint," Mr.Thind addressed him. "Yes that would be me. Strint Walds." he replied. "Well, you can take any open seat." said Mr.Thind. It was at this point when I noticed that all the other students, in an attempt to keep themselves from getting the fag-o-virus, had left me surrounded by all the open seats in the classroom.

I thought that the new kid, What was his name again? Wasn't it something like Stride or something? would would sit in one of the diagonal desks(the desks are in a 3 by 3 grid or 9 desk block with Derrick in the center), but he took the seat right next to mine. All the students gasped and whispers were heard throughout the whole classroom as Mr.Thind taught his lesson about how stars burn for so long in the vacuum of space. I bet the other students will fail with all this whispering, I thought to myself. Soon after the class ends, all the student's start to leave, well all except for me because I passed some classes in 7th and 8th grade in the integrated programs. I always have been above average. After all the students leave, I usually sit in here until lunch, but I have art after lunch and school ends after that, well, it does for me anyway. "Do you normally stay this late after class?" a voice beside me says. It takes me a moment to realize that it's the new kid, I have to stop calling him that, stayed behind as well. "Why aren't you at your other classes?" I ask. He quickly replies with "Hey, I may look like a mindless jock, but I am actually advanced. I finished my other classes in my previous school before we moved."

We started talking more and we showed each other our schedules. YES! He only has astronomy and art too! I thought to myself. I found out that he came from a successful mother, but had an abusive "father" as he put it. After what felt like minutes, the lunch bell rang and I suddenly realized that we had talked for hours. "Want to go get lunch with me?" he asked. "Yeah sure, just let me pack my stuff" I told him, and after lunch we went to art.

In art class, the teacher, Ms. Jaqueline, had payed a model to pose for us to draw. I decided to draw the scenery of a mountain instead. The teacher said we could draw what we want, but she also had different forms of "inspiration" for the "less thoughtful" students who couldn't think very clearly. Again, Strint(So that's his name!) sat next to me, much to the other student's dismay. Like always, the other students just gawked and drew the "well-developed" female model as my mountain took form. After a while I started to wonder what Strint was drawing, probably the model because it is an easy 100 for a test grade, but he DID say he was advanced. I guess I'll ask later. A while later class had ended and Ms. Jackie(she perfers to be called Jackie) asked to see all of our pieces of what she refers to as "the large puzzle known as art."

As I turn my piece in, all I see is the same model over and over again, but then I see it. Laying there on the teacher's desk is a painting of me with Strint's signature on it. I look around to find him, but the bell rings and the students flood out of the art room, along Strint I assume, and I am the only one left. "I think he has really grown fond of you, Derrick, even if it was only his first day here at GroundFall High." Ms. Jackie informs me. "I should probably get going" I tell her as I leave for the bus.

I start to make my way out to the buses, but when I get to my bus, the driver looks at me, sneers, and then slams the door before I could get on. All my peers laugh and take turns calling me names I dare not say, except for Jack who just watched with eyes that just streamed out the words I'm Sorry. Then the bus just sped off, not even stopping for the crossing guard, who watched as the bus drove off.

I decided I should start walking, so I walked home that night and arrived around 5:00. "How was your day at school?" my mother asked as I walked into the house. "It was great today," I replied "The new kid is really nice." "Oh? And what is this new kid's name?" mom inquired. "His name is Strint." I reply back. "He's hot isn't he?" "MOM! Why would you ask that?" I ask. "Because it's about time you got a boyfriend and stopped cooping yourself up in that room all the time... By the way, you still haven't answered my question." "I guess he's hot... but" "Good, then you need to make him gain interest in you." Oh crap, the painting!. Should I tell mom or... Wait a minute, She brought this up, so it should be fine right? "I think I already gained his interest because in art he drew my portrait." "That's my boy!" I hear dad yell from the living room. "DAD!" "What? I want you to be happy so what?" "I'm just going to go to bed." Before I could think about going upstairs my mom replied "Not without dinner you aren't!" "UGH...fine I'll eat dinner, then it's straight to bed for me." "Yeah so you can think about Strint some more." "MOM!"


Hey guys! I just wanted to let you guys know that I made the names up and that they don't belong to anyone in particular, but if a name is taken by someone and they don't like it then please tell me so I can change it. Thank you!

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