Ch.4 The weekend

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God I'm slow... Sorry for not updating in a while, I just had a lot on my plate as well as just being lazy. Nevertheless, here we go again.


The next week of school was boring, yet it flew by as I waited in anticipation for Strint to come over. Of course, there was the occasional bully incident, but mostly just verbal stuff like name calling and such. My parents were kind enough to make "plans" to stay at grandma's for the weekend. So sweet right? Anyway, Today was Friday, and that means three things. 1- No more school until next week. 2- No more bullies until next week. And 3- Strint is coming over.

Strint had told me at lunch that he would be coming over around 6:00, meaning I had some time to set up. I waited for the bus, but this time something seemed... off. I wasn't worried about whatever it was though, because I had to get home and get ready. I arrived home safely, much to the other kids' dismay, and made my way inside when I found a note on the fridge. I hope this is enough for the weekend, love Dad . "SWEET!" I yelled as I finished reading the note. "Guess this means that Strint and I get to get some things if anything gets low."

I finished cleaning up the house and had about an hour left, so I decided to take a shower. What I didn't expect was for Strint to arrive an hour early, so when the doorbell rang I nearly had a mental breakdown. I had already gotten in the shower, so I was soaking wet, so my clothes would get wet. I didn't want to keep him waiting, so I put on a towel and opened the door.

"Hey Derrick! I'm sorry, but I was an hour off with my..." Strint says as I open the door, stunned at the fact that I'm in nothing but a towel. "timing." He finishes as I wave him inside. "Sorry about my appearance, but I was taking a shower before you came and I didn't want to keep you waiting." I tell him as he steps inside, a light pink blush across his face. "Oh, it's fine. I don't mind if you go finish your shower, I'm perfectly fine here." "Thanks, I'll be down in about 5 minutes." I tell him.

After my 5-minute shower, I head back downstairs to see Strint looking through our family photos. "I'm done." I say as I walk downstairs. "You weren't lying when you said you would take 5 minutes." he said to me as he kept looking through the family photo album. "Y'know, you were a really cute kid." "Thanks, I get that a lot."

That night all we did was talked and played video games after pizza rolls and carrot sticks for dinner. As we went to bed, I realized I hadn't made him a place to sleep, and the couch was a mess, so... yeah, no. "Hey Strint?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't mind if he had to sleep in my parent's bed. Or he could sleep in my bed and I could take the parent's, I thought to myself. "I was wondering where you wanted to sleep, since the couch is, well... dirty, but I could clean it if you want." I told him, trying to give him as many options as possible before offering my bed. Now don't get me wrong, I would be perfectly fine with him sleeping in my bed, but I don't know if he's okay with that. "Actually I was wondering..." He started to say as he started to blush a light pink "If I could, um." He must really be struggling to ask me whatever he is trying to ask. I thought to myself as he kept trying to find the words to say. "If you need something, just ask. You don't have to worry, I won't judge, even if you need pink bunny slippers." I tell him, trying to reassure him, and he laughs a little at my comment. "I was wondering if I could sleep in your bed." he asked flushing a deeper pink. "Oh sure that's fine, I don't mind at all. Let me get it set up for you." I say as we go upstairs to my room.

I head upstairs to make my bed and help Strint get settled in. "You can put your stuff in the corner, and if you need it, the bathroom is down the hall and to the left." I tell him as he lays down. "Thanks for letting me come over Derrick." he says as he lays down to rest. "Oh, I almost forgot to ask, do you need some water or anything before bed?" My question falls on silent ears as Strint falls asleep immediately. "I guess he will be fine until morning." I tell myself as I head out to leave, when an idea comes to mind. I wonder if he's cute when he sleeps. This was a mystery that had to be solved, so I sneaked over to the side of the bed he was facing to get a better look. OMG he's adorable! I think as I see him laying there with the face of a dog getting a belly-rub(you all know the face). Mystery solved.

Just as I am about to leave, I feel an arm latch onto my waist and pull me downward. The arm belonged to none other than Strint as me made me into his giant teddy bear. Great. I thought to myself as I started falling asleep. And as I laid there in his strong embrace I only had one thought. He is really comfy though...

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