The Month After

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The next couple of weeks have dragged on, day after day, hour after hour, second after second even as I couldn't take my mind off of seeing my best friend for 5 years die in front of me.

People I knew kept trying to cheer me up, to get me to move on and continue my now sad and decrepit life. Without Jack, the world seemed to stop turning and start floating out in space without any objective whatsoever. Even the sun couldn't warm me at this point, but there isn't anything wrong with being cold though, right?

To others, that's clearly a no as they won't leave me alone, but I appreciate the help. I want to be joyous and full of laughter again, but it just won't click as easily as it used to. It's like there's something holding me back, something I'm missing. But I just don't know what. It can't be companionship because I just lost it, nothing could replace Jack anyway. It isn't anything I wouldn't do like sex or drugs because I was always fine without them, not like they'd help anyhow. So, I guess it's up to me to find out.

"Mom, Dad, I'm going for a walk." I told my parents in my now extremely pessimistic voice. "Alright Honey, Just be safe!" My mother replied as me father was reading a book and eating breakfast. "Hmphn a Goud Denp!(Have a good day)" My father yelled with his mouth full of bacon. "Don't speak with your mouth full!" Mother yelled at him as I left.

As I started to walk on my steady, rambling pace, I felt as if I were being watched, Y'know like when chills go up your spine and you glance around to see if anyone's there and it almost always nobody. I say almost because I see Strint running down the sidewalk to catch up to me. "Derrick!" he yells as he approaches while enveloping me in a hug. "I haven't seen you out of your room except for when your at school, but I thought you would like to be left alone for a while. Especially after what happened..." He rants as he catches his breath. He's about to continue his rant when I stop him, saying that I'm alright. "That''s a relief to hear. How are your grades?" "Oh, they're fine, really the only thing I keep up at this point." I grimace as I say the words 'keep up' because a flashback of Jack falling rushes into my mind. Strint, of course, notices and decides to reassure me that it's fine and what happened, happened.

I guess the benefit of everyone trying to cheer me up is that I'm not bullied or looked down on anymore because, well, my friend is dead and I couldn't save him, but I'm past that, I know I can't change it and I thought that was my closure on the matter, but it clearly wasn't because I still feel terrible. I guess I'm just looking for something else to help me resolve the thoughts that just keep brewing in my mind.

It has been a month since the incident and I haven't even left my room. I guess the thing I need is outside, but what? As we walk down the road, I see the cemetery. "Hey Strint?" "Yeah Derrick?" "Can I see it?" "See what!?" "Jack's Grave..." "Oh! I'm sorry I thought you meant some- Nevermind." He responds as he blushes heavily, a gesture to which, I am confused. But I brush it off as he leads me to Jack's final resting place.

Once we arrive, I see his grave lined with beautiful flowers and things of the like, when I get an Idea. I reach into my pocket and pull out a bracelet that Jack had made for me, much like the one I made for him, It showed that we would be friends, best friends, for as long as we could. It was a promise that we kept. I laid the bracelet on his grave and told him I was sorry for waiting a month to see him. I guess I needed this because I started tearing up. Strint tried to get me to leave, but I wasn't ready to leave. I had to say goodbye because I couldn't before, so I did.

I felt a huge burden lift off my shoulders as Strint and I walked back to my house to get clothes. He thought it would help if I stayed the night at his place and had some fun, like before. I walked into my house and my parents asked if I was alright. I smiled, something I haven't done in a month, and told them I was fine. "Also, I'm going to Strint's house for the night, if that's okay with you guys, of course. "Sure Sweetie!" My mom said as I rushed up the stairs to my room and started packing clothes. My parents were clearly happy to see me in a brighter mood, so as I left the house, I hugged them both and told them I would be back tomorrow.

As I ran outside to meet up with Strint, I saw him sitting on his porch waiting for me, but he seemed puzzled about something, so I asked him what was wrong. All he replied with was "Oh, I'm fine, don't worry about it." which only made me worry more. Throughout the night, we played video games, board games, some card games, even some of his family's games.(some families, like mine, have made up games that are a lot of fun, but only our family understands it.) I keep getting the feeling that something is bothering Strint, But I'm too afraid to ask, for fear of what happening to Jack happening to him, so I kept silent.

Later that night, I was in Strint's room getting ready to sleep when I decided to ask Strint what was wrong. "Something's been on my mind recently, but I don't think it matters." he replied, but it clearly wasn't the answer I wanted. "It does though, You're my friend, if something is wrong and I can help, then I want to help." "Well, I guess you could help, but I don't know if you'll like it." "What is it?" And that was all I could say before his lips locked with mine.

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