Ch.5 The Morning After

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The next morning I awoke to see that Strint wasn't there. "Wonder where he went." I say to myself as I smell bacon. "BACON!" I shout as I bolt down the stairs, only to see Strint at the stove cooking what I hope is breakfast. "Morning Derrick! Hope you slept well." He says as I walk towards the table and sit down while he puts the food on two plates. "Oh I slept fine." I tell him, lightly blushing at the thought of how I slept last night. "Oh, I'm sorry about the whole cuddling thing. It happens when I sleep." he tells me when he gives me the food and spots the light pink on my face. "Don't worry about it. Thanks for the breakfast by the way." I tell him as I look at the plate of pancakes and bacon just begging me to devour it. "You're welcome." He says as I start to eat.

After I while, I began to notice that Strint wasn't eating. I wonder if he's bulemic? Or maybe he just doesn't eat breakfast. I tell myself as I continue eating. After I finished my food, Strint had only eaten a piece of bacon and a quarter of his pancake. Ok... Now I'm worried. "Hey, you alright?" I ask him as he stares at the plate of food before him. "Yeah I'm fine, just thinking about things is all." Should I pry or leave it? If it's a problem and I can help, then I want to help, but if I can't it could hurt his feelings. I think to myself as I start taking my plate to the sink.

After I take my plate to the sink I decide to go take another shower, primarily because I got syrup all over my fur. "Hey, I'm going to go take a shower." I tell Strint as I go up the stairs and into my bedroom to get clothes. "That's cool. Take your time." Strint tells me as he gives me a heart-melting smile. I blush heavily as I get in the shower and notice that I forgot to ask him what he was thinking about. Oh well, guess I can ask later.

After a while in the shower cleaning off the syrup, I went back downstairs to find Strint sitting on the couch watching TV, so I decided to join him. "I'm back" I say to Strint as I sit down on the couch. "Ok, I was wondering what to watch." He replies, looking for a show to watch. As we look for a show, the doorbell rings. "Wonder who that is." I say, getting up. I head towards the door and open it to see Jack standing there.

"Hey buddy!" he shouts as his tail begins to wag. "What's going on man!" I shout back as he pulls me in to a hug. "Not much recently, just thought I would stop by and hang out for a few, if that's cool with you of course!" Should I let him in? I do have Strint over, but I think they could get along. Ah, why not. It's not like they hate each other... at least not that I know of. "Sure! you can come in, but I have someone else here, so filter what you say, alright?" "Got it! So, who's over?" he asks, looking around me to see who it is. "New guy." I tell him, gesturing towards Strint on the couch. "Oh, cool!" he shouts as he heads inside.

"Hey Strint, this is Jack, he is another one of my friends." I tell Strint. As he and Jack shake hands, I can't help but feel like Jack is hiding something. Something's different ,I tell myself, But I don't know what. Might as well go ahead and ask him. "Hey Jack, can we talk in private?" I ask, hoping I don't sound too suspicious. "Sure, I'll be there in a minute." he tells me, then I head up to my room as he follows.

"What happened?" I ask him as he looks at me confused. "What do you mean?" he asks back, probably not knowing what I mean. "You're acting differently than normal." I try to tell him as asks how. "For starters, you haven't made a joke yet, and secondly, your cheeks have stains from tears. What happened?" I reason with him as he starts to break down and sob uncontrollably. "IT"S NOT MY FAULT!" He yelled at me. Jack wouldn't yell. I tell myself as I try to calm him down. Clearly Jack wasn't having it because he ran out of the room before I could say anything else.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while, I had a bit of writer's block, but I started to get a few more Ideas.

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