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I go back to my room without dinner . I change back to my pajamas. Then I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say .Iori comes in the room with dinner in his hand and sits next to me.

"Princess dinner is ready."Iori says smirking.

"I don't wanna eat dinner."I say pouting.

"Who tells us to eat for remaining healthy?"


"Then be a good girl and eat your dinner."He says with a gentle smile.He takes the spoon and feeds me.

He takes the spoon and feeds me

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I am feed like a little kid.He always fed me when we were small.After finishing dinner he slowly gets up.

"Thanks"I mumble.

"Now be a good girl and go to sleep."

"Ok. night."

"Night princess."He replys before turning off the lights and leaving the room.

The Next Day

I wake up when the sunlight pours in my face.I get up from bed and freshen up.I put my long hair into a high ponytail .

I go downstairs and see everyone there except Kyohei and Iori.'Ugh why am I the last one' I think to myself.

"Morning everyone."

"Good morning"everyone replys.

I sit next to Kota and Nagi as Kyohei and Iori are outside.We eat breakfast as we talk about random things. Eating and talking with them makes me feel at ease.

After breakfast I go out as I have to film a commercial with Kota.We go to the director.The director greets us with smile.We also put up our act. The director says,"Kota and Hikari I want to it about a hair man would wanna touch."

We are both quite shocked about the theme.'A hair man would wanna touch.The theme means its a romantic advertisement.But maybe it's just about the shampoo.'I think to myself.

"It will be a little romantic."My all hopes are broken.I hate romantic filming.Kota also looks troubled but acts cool.

The shooting begins and I'm brushing my long hair which is now open.Kota comes from a room and hugs me from behind.

Kota comes from a room and hugs me from behind

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"I can't hold back anymore.Your beautiful eyes and your hair is inviting me.I wanna make your everything mine."Kota announces.

I am blushing a little.I can feel Kota's warmth.But I keep acting and finally the shooting is over.

I changed into my regular clothes and go to the director with Kota.

"Thank you that was marvellous. I would love to work with you two again."the director says.

We both bow to him and keep up our act.We return home in the evening.I see that everyone is here.

"Where were you early in the morning?"I ask Iori frowning.

"We went to get our things ready.Here is you ticket."Kyohei answers.

I take my ticket from Kyohei and return to my room and change back into my pajamas. I go downstairs to eat dinner and sit next to Kota as it was free.

"Why both of you came him together?"Iori asks suspiciously.

"Filming"me and Kota both reply together calmly.We both look at each other and remember today's events and begin to blush a little.

"Look they at blushing"Nagi exclaims."Something must have happened."Iori becomes more suspicious.

"It was nothing just .."Kota trails off.I finish the rest."it was a romantic advertisement. "They all tease us with this.After dinner I go back to my room and fall asleep.


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