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"And thats everything."

I look around to see if any minor thing is left or not.'I guess everything's  ready.' I look myself in the mirror.

I go down to eat my breakfast

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I go down to eat my breakfast.I see Ichiya already sitting there.

"Morning."I sit to eat breakfast.


"You're returning next week,right?"

He nods.Finishing my breakfast, I ask the driver to carry my luggage in the car.He does as I say.I go to my room and take my handbag.

"So I'm leaving this room."I take one last good look around the room and go downstairs.All the maids are there to see me off.I turn to them and start,

"Thank you all for taking care of me. It was nice umm.. you know being here.So , thank you."I'm not actually very good at goodbyes. They clap for me.I smile awkwardly.

Ichiya then comes to me .

"It isn't goodbye ,you know,"Ichiya says.

"I know and so I won't say goodbye. Rather I'd say see you later."

"Yeah see you."

I smile at him and with a look at everyone, I leave the house.

At the airport

"Sorry to keep you waiting",I rush to Revance .

"Woah ,Hikari!",Kyohei exclaims with shocked eyes.

"You cut your hair?"Kota asks.

"Yes , what do you think?"I ask them with a little blush.

"Cute",they all reply.

"Yeah you look cute,princess",Nagito says.

"It looks nice ",Takashi adds.Ryo nods.


"Anyways,what's with this outfit?" Iori asks.

"Isn't it nice?I loved it when I first saw it",I reply.

"Its not bad but the skirts too short", Iori cries.

"Just an inch",I add.He was gonna protest when,

"Shouldn't we get going?"Ryo asks.

"Yeah . Come on you two",Kyohei orders.

We follow behind Kyohei.Several moment later,we finally boarded in plane.

I'm sitting between Iori and Kota. In front of us are doubled seats where sits Kyohei and Nagito whereas Takashi and Ryo are in front of them. I think this sitting plan is Iori's doings.

Anyways,while we are ridingin the plane ,I play games with Kota while Iori is just taking a nap.I'm tired from playing so I drift off to sleep while thinking of what happened these past months.


"We want you to take part in the world competition as the representative of Japan."We were selected for the world competition.But suddenly I was engaged.

"Hikari,you're engaged to Ichiya Misosno."

"Is everyone ready?"We want to L.A and met new people.

"Wait,aren't you Ota Kisaki the angelic artist?"

"Hello pretty lady.My name is Mitsunari Baba."

"His name is Mamoru Kishi.You won't believe but he's a detective."

"And the final judge is none other than Eisuke Ichinomoya known as the 'King'".

"I'm sorry for what Ryoko did.I should have known what type of woman she was."

Then the world competition began.

"The winner of  the world champion is....REVANVCE!!!"

"You are my inspiration. "

"You are my melody."

"You are my strength "

"You are my hope."

"You are my idol."

"You are the best sister I could I ask for.Hikari,you are my light."

~ ~   ~ ~

The time I wake up,we are gonna reach Japan.I open my eyes to see that I am leaning against Iori while Kota is leaning on me.I remove myself from Iori so that they don't wake up.Kota's head is on my shoulder. He looks like a cat when he's asleep being all curled up.I stroke their hair gently .

Few minutes later Iori wakes up .

"Sleep well?"He nods.

"What about you?"


He then sees that Kota is leaning on me.

"Why is he leaning on you ?"

"Because he's asleep."

I suddenly feel that the temperature has gone down by five degree.Iori has that icy glare.Feeling the cold,Kota wakes up along with the others.He realises that his head is on my shoulder.So he removes it and says, "Thanks for lending me your shoulder."

"No problem."

Seeing that he removed his head,Iori gradually turns back to normal.And finally we land in Japan.

Taking out luggages , we get them into our car which was waiting for us. There wasn't any traffic jam so we reached out house in a few minutes. I'll still be leaving here until I have my new home.

I open the door and getting inside with a smile the first thing that left my mouth was,

"I'm home."


Hello everyone. This concludes the
book 'Scandal in the Spotlight-Sister of Iori '. I know that probably many of you are disappointed on this story because it didn't meet your expectations. And I'm truly sorry for that.I am still grateful that you took the effort to read it till the end.It was my first story and it made me really happy when I saw that it has ranked #1 in the category of ' Scandal in the spotlight'.

I have many ideas for my next stories of SITS. I will try to do one story at a time.I will publish a new book of SITS probably on November or December. So I would kindly like your support.I know that I might not fully reach your expectations but I will do my very best. Again,thank you very much for reading my first story.

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