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After passing a good time with Revance,30 minutes pass very quickly. And in no time , it's time for the results.

Revance and I go to the stage and stand there for the results.Everyone is quiet including the audiences,waiting for the results.I look through the corner of my eyes and notice that even Revance is nervous.I'd be lying if I said I wasn't but I believe that I already know the answer .

The lights are of suddenly. Mr.Ichinomiya stands up with the mike in his hand and says,"It is now time for the final results.We enjoyed both of your performances but we must choose the winner.One of you must win here so leave no regrets because it's not the end.And now may I declare the winner."

Everything is dark and silent.'He's right ,leave no regrets.'

Emcee starts,"And the winner of the World Competition is.......REVANCE!!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!!!"

No sooner had the words left his mouth the spotlight shines on them along with loud deafening cheers and claps.I turn my head towards Revance and see everyone smiling in a tight group hug with tears sparkling in their eyes. Seeing them made me smile too. 'Thats right. They are unreachable for me.But I don't have any regrets.It's not the ending but a beginning.' I turn my head and see Ota and Mr.Ichinomiya  smiling or smirking. Some or maybe most of the audience is teary eyed.I turn my gaze back to Revance and join everyone in the clapping with a smile.

I then leave the stage because they are having the best moment of their lives and I don't want to ruin it.I go back to my room and sit in the chair.I did say that I don't have any regrets.It's true but I can't help but feel sad.'A loss is a loss' My eyes start to water up.The more I try to stop them by blinking the more they start to fall.And after that I silently cry in my room.

After crying, I feel much better.I Make sure my face looks alright after the crying and then go out to see them getting the trophy.

I stand among the other competitors and watch as Revance gets the trophy.They all look so happy.I just stay out of their sights.

Later all the competitors starts to get ready for the after party.I have a quick shower to stay fresh and then put on a purple gown. When I finish the make-up and doing my hair,I go out to the ballroom.Yeah this auditorium has a second floor where the ball room is situated.

After I go to the ballroom , I look around to see if the programme has already started.Well it has indeed just started.Revance has just taken the stage .They all are wearing formal attire. Mr.Ichinomiya is on the stage putting on the badges on their suits.

When finishing to put the badges on them,he said,"And now may I have Hikari Enjo,the runner-up and the top idol ,take the stage."

'Me?!' Despite being confused , I get on the stage and stand in front of Mr.Ichinomiya.

"I will now award you your tiara for being the best idol,"he states.

He takes the tiara in his hand and I bend down my head for him to put it on.

He takes the tiara in his hand and I bend down my head for him to put it on

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"Good job,"he says quietly while gently placing the tiara on my head.

When he finished I said ,"Thank you" and left the stage. I can't find Revance so I go to the foods and drinks counter to get something to drink. I just get a cold drink and when I'm finished, slow music starts to play. Everyone start to dance with their partners. I just feel so left behind.

I'm standing by the counter sighing when,

"May I have a dance?"

I turn around and see ...Ryo extending his hand. I say uneasily, "..Sure."

We start to dance when he suddenly says,"I want to tell you something."

"Go ahead."

"...When I couldn't write,I saw you writing your own lyrics alongside working . When I read your lyrics it takes me to a different world and gives me inspiration.So don't ever think that you're not capable.Remember're my inspiration."

"Ryo?"With that he lets go of my left hand but another hand catches my left hand and pulls me to it.Before I can understand I'm now dancing with Takashi.


"Listen to me carefully.when I can't compose , my world feels blank.Listening to your music fills my world with light..You're my ..melody."

"Taka.."And with that same thing happens and I'm now dancing with Nagito.

"Hey Nagi."

"Princess , you might think that you're not important but that's not true.Seeing you wearing my designed clothes smiling gives me the strength to make clothes which will make people smile...Princess,you're my strength. "

"Nagi.."And now I'm with Kota.

"You know you can be quite annoying sometimes..but when I'm tired after working a whole day and  have filming to do next day...listening to you practice your script having a hard day makes me think that I can also do it...You are my ..hope."

"Kota..." I'm now pulled by and dancing with Kyohei.

"Kyohei ?"

"Being the producer means the most work.I feel worned out after working but when I think about you doing everything yourself,it gives me the strength to complete every work. Hikari , you're my ...idol."

"Kyohei..."The music ends and our dance is finished.

I go to the balcony after the dance is finished.The dance felt like a dream which went by quickly.

'Do they really feel this way about me?'

It made me a lot happy to hear them say that but..." What about Iori?"I ask myself.

"Hey.."the all-known familiar voice calls out.


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