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I got an idea about my clothes.I go to the Japanese section of clothing and choose my outfit.I arrange my hair and make up.It took some time for me to get ready.

It's now time to come out.My opponent comes out first.She wore the following dress.

She cat walked the runway and gave a pose putting her hands on her hips

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She cat walked the runway and gave a pose putting her hands on her hips.
The judges asked why did she wear this dress.

She answered,"I chose this dress because I like to wear this type of dresses.It also makes me look elegant and beautiful."

The judges nodded and she went back from where she came.

'It's my turn now.'

"And now it's Hikari's turn.Give her a warm welcome."the emcee announces.

I take a deep breath and start walking. The lights fall on me and everyone gasps.

I walked elegantly and gave my pose by keeping my hands together and giving a light bow

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I walked elegantly and gave my pose by keeping my hands together and giving a light bow.My entire show was japanese style.

"May I ask why you chose this dress?" Mr.Ichinomiya questions.

"The theme was 'about yourself'.And when I thought deep about it,I decided to dress up according to the culture of my motherland.I am a Japanese so I wore a Japanese yukata.It shows who I am."

The judges look shocked.Finally they nod and I take my place next to my opponent.

And like that the lights turn off and start moving around us.I hang my head down because I'm scared and I'm not sure if I can win.

"And the winner of our last round of fashion show is..."the emcee announces.

"HIKARIII!Congratulations. "

"Huh!"I lift my head to see I'm surrounded by spotlights.I won!!

"You did a great job Ms. Enjo.You chose a route no one else has chose. Congratulations on your win." Mr.Ichinomiya announces.

And with that I go back to my changing room.I change back to normal clothes.Well it did take a lot of time to take it off.After changing I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in"I call out.

Revance comes in with smile on their faces.

"Congratulations on your winning Hikari"I congratulates me .

"Thanks."I reply.

"Hikari you looked like a real princess there."Nagito says.

"Yeah you looked great."Kyohei adds.

"How did this idea came to you?"Kota asks.

"Well...I wanted to look different than the others.And so I dressed up traditionally. "I answer.

"You know when people saw you their jaws dropped.You did great."Ryo states.

"Yeah good job."Takashi adds.

I smile at them."Anyways the second round tournament chart should be given any time.Let's go."

We go to the common room and check the monitor.The theme for the idols is..

"Wedding?!"I exclaim.

The others are also shocked.

"What kind of theme is it?!"Iori exclaims.

"Why did they have to give wedding as the theme? "Nagito asks.

"Not after what you've went through." Ryo adds.

"But that doesn't mean you will give up!"Kyohei exclaims.

"Yeah you have to cross every obstacles that come your way to win." Takashi joins in.

"And isn't wearing a wedding dress every girl's dream?"Kota asks.

"Yeah you're right.I can't fall behind.I also have a dream to wear a wedding dress."I answer enthusiastically.

They nod at me.I again see the monitor and see that I'm once again on the last round.Revance is too.

After seeing the rounds we go back to our changing rooms.I'm nervous about the second round.I take a rest and a few deep breathes to calm myself down.I spend my time watching sailor moon crystal until it's time for revance's performance.

I watch them perform.And they pass to the next round.

"They are so great.They can do anything confidently. Unlike me who is always depending on others."I smile sadly.

But I quickly shake off that feeling and take a deep breathe. 'No time to be feeling down.I gotta give it my best.'

I get out from my changing room and go to the dressing room.We have to start getting ready as it takes time.

I see my surroundings. I don't have any ideas for this round.'The first round has already started .Now what should I do?!"

I'm in a stage of panic and feeling hopeless.When a certain dress in the corner catches my eyes.


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