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I slowly enter the house.I go to the living room and see Ichiya sitting there.He looks sad.

"..Ichiya",I say quietly.He looks up and sees me.I go over to him.He lets a sigh.

"..I'm sorry for what Ryoko did.I should have known what type of woman she is.Why did I even love her!"he apologises.

"Well I am angry at her but now that everything's fine I forgive her."I reply. I sit next to him and continue,"You should also forgive her.She only did it because she loves you.You know love is blind sometimes."

"..Ok then...But what about my parents?I never knew that my father does illegal business and my mother supports him.I even worked according to their plans."he says with guilt.

"'s finished now.You didn't do anything wrong.In fact you didn't know anything.So stop blaming yourself.Mr.Ichinomiya will now take care of your company."I answer him.

He looks at me and says,"...Yeah you're right.Thank you."His face is quite close.I blush and reply,"Your welcome."

His face comes closer and closer until I can feel his breathe on my skin.I can feel my face burning.

He says,"Dont worry.I won't do anything.You're really nice even when my family hurt you.Thank you."

With that he gets up and continues, "Well I'm going to my office.I have to manage it too."And with that he leaves.

I slap my cheeks lightly to shake it off. 'Well we atleast had a normal conversation ' I think .I get up and also leave the living room and go to my room.

I lie on the bed and think about the events which happened in this 1 month.I sit up on my bed and stretch my arms.

"Everything's fine now.I can be myself again."I say to myself."Well I can't rest yet I have to win the world competition."I say and go to practise. Only one month left for the competition.


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