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I slowly open my eyes . I'm in a dimly lit room.I'm tied to a chair.My head hurts a lot.

"So your finally awake princess Hikari."an unknown voice says.

I look up and see a woman with brown hair and brown eyes.I question ,"Who are you and what do you want."

"The name's Ryoko and also the ex-girlfriend of Ichiya.And I want to finish you."She answers.

"And why the hell you wanna finish me?"I ask angrily.

"Because of you, Ichiya left me.We were doing fine until his parents announced this nonsense marriage." she growls at me.

"And this has nothing to do with me ! I   never wanted to get married with a jerk like him!And if you even want to kill me , you'll regret!You stupid idiot."I snap back at her.

She slaps me across my face and says, "Say one word and you'll regret."

"As if.If you do harm me people won't leave you!"I growl at her.

"Who said I'm going to hurt you."she steps closer to me as she says it.

"Wait what d-"I was interrupted when she pulled my hair which was free and took a blade.

"You see I always wanted such a long and beautiful hair but I never got it.And when I couldn't get such hair,no one can have such hair."With that she cuts my long hair with her blade.My waist length hair is now my shoulder length.

"Heh now you should know who you messed with."she says while smirking.

"YOU !!You won't get away with it.My friends will find you and make you pay!You jerk!"I growl at her while glaring at her.

"I won't kill you now.I'll make you suffer."she replys and then orders one of the guards,"faint her" as she leaves the room.A guard approaches me and puts a handkerchief over my face as I lose into the world of darkness.

The next day

I woke up at the sound of fighting.I  open my eyes and find myself in the same room.I feel very weak.I see the door opening and Ryoko comes in.She locks the door.She looks furious.I can hear the footsteps running closer.

"Whats happening?"I ask her.

She comes up to me and grabs my chin forcefully."Your friends have come to save you . But they can't do anything now because I'll kill you now.Say goodbye."I can hear banging on the door.

"Hikari!Hikari!"some ones shouting outside the door.I know that voice.It's Iori's."Ryoko open the door!"this voice belongs to Kyohei."Ryoko you've lost surrender now!"that's Ota's voice.

My gaze is shifted to Ryoko who has took out a knife."Ryoko STOP IT"I shout at her with all my force.She takes the knife high to attack me when,


She stops when they break the door. Mamoru whom I met on the plane quickly grabs Ryoko and puts that knife in her neck."Kids shouldn't play with dangerous weapons.And now be a good kid and give us the key to unlock the chain. "he says to her. Ryoko understanding her defeat gives the key to my chain.

While Revance and Ota comes to me and unlocks my chain.After unlocking me , Iori hugs me.

"Hikari are you alright?"he asks while hugging me.

"Y-yeah..I'm...fine."I reply feeling very weak.Before I lost consciousness in Iori's arms,I saw Ryoko getting arrested.I faded in the world of unconsciousness.


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