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Alright, I like this chapter! I hope you like it too! Oh, and happy thanksgiving! What are y'all thankful for? For me, it's my friends! And now review responces!

Harryhaven27: Aww, thanks! It really means a lot to me that you like my writing that much! I hope you enjoy this chapter just as much!

Sophie felt the layers of forest pass by her in a blur. She was running, practically flying past everything and anything.

Footsteps on the ground.

She ran faster. She had to run. She couldn't stop. Stopping would mean bad things for her. Imprisonment, maybe, or most likely certain death. Her feet barely felt the ground as she ran for everything she had. For everything she loved.

Breathing down her neck.

Sophie channeled all of the energy she had in a brain push. She couldn't quit now. She had made it so far! She couldn't give up. She just couldn't.

Shouts behind her back.

Her energy was running out. She couldn't run forever, and there was no telling how much forest was left to go. A cold panic spread through her veins, like poison. This was it.

The thumping of her heart.

Sophie let her mind go, let her body take over, leading her through the woods. It was dangerous. And it was necessary.

Footsteps on the ground. Breathing down her neck. Shouts behind her back. The thumping of her heart.

She pushed herself. If she just worked a little bit harder, ran a little bit faster went a little bit further--she came to an empty grove of trees.

Harder. Faster. Further.

Sophie ran. Step by step. She made it to the end of the grove. The trees thickened. No one would be able to squeeze through their looming branches.


Her arms clawed at the trees. Her hands were bloody, she was exhausted. Her legs felt like spaghetti. Her knees collapsed, sending her tumbling to the ground. She was weak. She was useless. There was nothing she could do.

Weak. Useless. Nothing she could do.

Sophie was on her knees, her eyes on the grassy floor. She was bloody. She was bruised. She was broken. She was the last of the Black Swan. And she had lost. She had failed.


The blood dripped down her face, covering her. The bruises throbbed, like they were taunting her. Reminding her. Her mind shattered, the guilt overpowering her.

Bloody. Bruised. Broken.

Sophie looked up. Cloaked figures. No hope. She stood. And she screamed. She screamed for everything she had, for everything she lost.


Everything and anything she had ever felt, all of it, was leaving her with such force that it shook her. But she stood. The anger. The guilt. The sadness. She let go of all of it, letting instinct take control. This was her purpose. She was the Moonlark. This is what she was made to do.

Anger. Guilt. Sadness.

Sophie looked as one by one the hooded figures fell to the floor, each one hitting the grass with a dull thunk. Their eyes blank. Their mouths open. And Sophie smiled. She was going down. There was no question. She was going down, but she was taking them down with her.

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