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My eyelids felt like bricks when I woke. I could barely keep them open. Maybe that's why it took my way to long to register where I was. I'm still not sure what made me remember the events of the previous night. Perhaps it was the way I could feel my pillow (Keefe's chest) was breathing. Maybe it was the unfamiliar smell of the room. Or maybe it was just natural.

I forced my eyes open, ignoring my urges to just go back to sleep. I started to sit up, but Keefe mumbled slightly in his sleep, moving his arm so it was wrapped around me, keeping me from escaping. A sleepy smile found its way to my lips as I glanced up at Keefe. His normally pristine hair was everywhere, his lips were parted slightly, and his face was so relaxed. Normally, Keefe's face was always showcasing what he was feeling. But now, he just looked peaceful. A giggle slipped from my lips as a quiet snore came from him.

That was probably what woke him up. His eyes fluttered, and then opened a crack. He smiled when he saw me. "How long have you been up?" His morning voice was deeper than usual. Not like in the movies, where that voice is made to be sexy. It was kinda cute.

"Not long. Maybe a minute." I mumbled, my tiredness evident in my voice.

A buzzing noise sounded from somewhere in the room. "Is that a phone?" I asked, sitting up and looking around.

"Mmmhhhh, who cares? Let's just cuddle." Keefe mumbled, wrapping his arms around my stomach and pulling me back down. I liked this version of Keefe. He seemed more at ease. More himself. Most of the time, Keefe felt that he needed to joke around to deal with things. And don't get me wrong, I loved his wit. But this felt nice. The Keefe who liked cuddling, and was adorable in the most innocent way.

As he requested, I snuggled deeper into him, absorbing his body warmth through his white tee-shirt and sweats. It felt like heaven until the buzzing sounded again. "Someone needs to get that." I murmured, not really trying to convince him.

"Later Sweetheart. Later." Keefe promised. "Right now I'm to comfortable."

"Sweetheart?" I asked, referring to the new nickname.

"Do you not like it?" His voice was gentle. And he was so sweet, making sure I was okay with everything, even something stupid like a nickname.

"No, I like it." No sooner had the last word come out of my mouth did the phone buzz yet again. "That's probably important, if someone's gonna text me three times." I sighed the words, getting up out of the bed.

Keefe whined, but followed, yawning when he stood. "You're lucky I love you, Foster." He grumbled. "Otherwise, there is no way I would let you show up at my house and let you stay the night just because you had a fight with your roommate. And, speaking of, since when do you and Biana get into fights?" I didn't process much of what Keefe said. My eyes had found the text messages on my phone. And all the missed calls.

All of them from Dex and Fitz.

Something was wrong. I knew it. Dex and Fitz never got up early. They stayed in bed as late as they could. "Hey, is everything okay over there? You look worried." Keefe said, conserened.

I didn't reply as I clicked on the missed text messages from Fitz.

Sophie? Are you here? It's important. Saturday, 2/19/18 at 11:27 P.M.

It's Biana. She was out driving, and she got in a crash. Saturday, 2/19/18 at 11:28 P.M.

Sophie? Saturday, 2/19/18 at 11:40 P.M.

Where are you? Saturday, 2/19/18 at 11:56 P.M.

We're at the hospital, Sophie. Today, at 12:36 A.M.

Text me as soon as you get these. Today, at 1:31 A.M.

I didn't even finish reading all the texts before the phone had slipped from my hands and I was rushing to the door. "Whoa, Wait!" Keefe called, grabbing my wrist before I could leave the room. "What happened?" I tried to answer him, but my words only came out as muffled sobs. "Hey, what is it?" His voice was soft. He was using the tone that he only used if he let his guard down.

"It's, it's Biana." I managed. "She got into... got into a crash, a car crash. She's at the- the hospital." I could see Keefe register the situation, before he reached over and grabbed something of a nearby shelf. My eyes were blurred with tears, so I couldn't see it, but it made a jangeling sound, almost like coins...

Not coins, keys.

"What are you- What are you doing?" I choked out.

Keefe led me out the door. "I'm taking you to the hospital." He said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"You don't have to." I protested. "I can... I can drive myself." My words might have been a tad more convincing if they hadn't been let out as a sob.

"If you think I'm going to let you drive in this state, you're crazy. And I would be a terrible boyfriend if I didn't stay with you. And a terrible friend if I didn't go see how Biana was." By the time he finished talking, we had arrived at his car.

We both got in, and Keefe started it up. But before he started driving, he lightly put his hand on my trembling one. "Hey, everything is going to be okay." His tone was soothing. And, even though it wasn't very logical or scientific, I let myself believe his words.

Hope you enjoyed this chappie! Let me know what you think in the comments. And, like always, goodbye my lovelies!

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