#1 (Alan Ashby)

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A/N: This is my first imagine ever so please excuse my shitty writing. If you see any mistakes please notify me and I'll fix them as soon as possible. Also feedback and requests would be greatly appreciated. 😁

Words: 642 (short I know)
Grammar check: NOT DONE

Y/N's POV:

Today sucked. I was late for work, my car broke and on top of it all I was fired. Yay! So now I'm here walking home in the rain.

After a few very long minutes I finally came home. I was expecting Alan to be home but he wasn't. I guess he's at the studio with the guys. I made myself some late lunch and left some for Alan too, then I fed our little ginger kitten... She is the cutest thing around. We took her from the streets a few weeks ago. Alan just couldn't keep his hands off her. After lunch I went to take a bath and just relax, I swear it was the bath of my life.

It waa quite late when I got out bath and Alan still wasn't home. I was starting to get worried so I called Austin.
(A/N: A - Austin Y/N - you...just in case you don't figure it out)
A: Hello?
Y/N: Hey. Have you seen Alan by any chance?
A: Well he was at the studio today but he left around 8ish saying he's going home. Why?
Y/N: Oh, thanks Aust. I was just asking, thanks anyway.
A: No problem love. Bye
Y/N: Bye.
*End of the conversation*

Just as I put the phone down Alan stumbled in drunk off his ass. And what's worse: he's all over some blonde fake ass slut.
"Alan! What do you think you're doing!?"
"Go away. Can't you see that I'm enjoying myself here?"
"Fine then. I'll go, but don't expect me to come back to your sorry ass anytime soon."
Slamming the door shut I texted Austin saying I was coming over.
As I came to his place I broke down. It wasn't the first time that Alan did something like that, but I just love him too much to leave him. Austin was comforting me and saying that everything will work out even when he knew it wouldn't.

*time skip*

It's been a few months since that happened. I was still staying with Austin and I haven't seen Alan since then. I was laying around watching TV when there was a knock on the door. I tought it was Austin but it seemed weird because he would have his keys therefore no need to knock. I got up anyways and when I opened the door I was suprised, mad and confused I guess. There stood Alan with a bouquet of dark red roses and a box of my favorite chocolates. His eyes were red and bloodshot and he looked really tired and skinny. "Y/N you don't have to forgive me or take me back. I know what I did was really wrong and unacceptable but please at least hear me out." I just nodded letting him continue. "I shouldn't have cheated and I lost someone great whilst doing that and I'm really sorry. I was stressed because of the album and I just got drunk. I don't even remember much of that night. I know that sorry won't fix it but please give me another chance." I was just staring at him thinking it over in my head. His eyes were basically screaming please by now. "Alan...I forgive you, but that doesn't mean that it's forgotten. I'll give you another chance but this is your last one so don't fuck it up." "Oh god. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'll make it up to you. First by taking you on a date. By the way our kitten missed you." "You don't have to Alan. Just don't fuck it up." "I love you kitten." "I love you too Alan."

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