#2 (Oliver Sykes)

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A/N: I haven't been very active lately, blame my lazy ass... But here's another part.

Words: 459 words (shorter than me I know)
Grammar check: NOT DONE

I've been really stressed lately. Everything was wrong, school, friends, grades...just everything. And to top it all of I got in a huge fight about some stupid stuff with my boyfriend of 3 years, Oli.

It has been about a week or two since that happened and I've never felt so lonely. I miss him like crazy. I just love him so much and I just want him back in our house.

I was watching TV, just mindlessly scrolling through channels when I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and headed for the door when Oskar (A/N: I'm not sure) started barking. He only barked when Oliver came home. That's weird... When I opened the door I was suprised, Oskar wasn't wrong afterall. There, in front of me stood Oli. He looked bad to say at least. His hair got really long and it was quite messy, he also looked skinnier than usual. And his once bright eyes were now almost dead.

"Hey" he said. His voice was tired just like he was. "Hey. How are you?" "I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that stuff. I shouldn't have use that stuff against you. It was wrong of me to do th-"...I cut him off with a kiss. It was sweet just like every time before. His lips were slightly shapped but they felt good against mine. And as cliche as that sounds, there were butterflies swarming my stomach. He pulled my hips closer to him causing me to wrap my hands around his neck. We broke our kiss and stood there for a while just hugging.

After a while we went inside since it was getting dark and chilly outside. I went into the kitchen to make some hot cocoa for both of us. When I returned to the living room I saw a quite pleasant suprise. Oli was cuddling Oskar in a pilr of blankets with a movie on. I gave him his mug and cuddled into his side. He was so warm and comfortable. He wrapped his heavily tattooed hand around my hips and held my hand tightly. We were watching Y/F/M (A/N: your favorite movie for those who don't know). I was getting sleepy halfway through the movie so I leaned my head on Oli's shoulder and fell asleep.

*Oli's POV*

I still can't believe that I hurt her so much. She's my world. Her hair was falling in her face so I pushed that strand behind her ear whispering "I love you". I kept on whispering sweet litte things in her ear hoping she would somehow hear them. I soon fell asleep with Oskar and the girl of my dreams in my arms. I was finally happy again.

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