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A couple weeks went by and nothing too out of the usual happened. The boys would practice as I picked up around the house. I would make sure breakfast, lunch, and dinner was set up for them and cleaned up in time for the next meal. I started having a lot of free time, when everything was constantly clean there was less to do in between meals. Eventually, they started asking me if I wanted to come down and watch them practice. The studio was in the basement. There were two rooms in the basement. One was a gym area and the other was the studio. It was the bigger room with mirrors covering the walls and gorgeous hardwood floors. The practices themselves were exciting to watch. I found myself intrigued by their dances, the way they moved their bodies in sync and did these extraordinary and complex steps. By the end of practice, all of them would be covered in sweat. I started bringing water and snacks for them, and lots of towels. I kept the studio clean for them, and when no one was watching, tried the moves myself. Of course, I looked like a three-year-old compared to them, but it was still fun to watch and try.

One day they asked me to join them, they would teach me the choreography and help me dance to it. I would joke that it made them feel better by comparison. I looked like a walrus on land, whereas they looked like gods of dance. It became the best bonding experience I had had so far with them. Meal times were one thing, we all had idle chat while eating but generally I sat quiet and listened. But during dance practice we would tease each other and laugh. I was often partnered with Hoseok, because he was the most patient with me out of the good dancers. He would take his time teaching me each step, understanding that I had never taken a single dance class in my life. He took every chance he could to grab me and move me himself, hoping I would catch on by doing. There was something different in the feelings I got with him then I did with Hyunwoo and Jooheon. With them I found myself getting excited and aroused when they looked at me a certain way or got too close, but Hoseok. He didn't hide the way he looked and he wasn't bashful with physical contact. During one choreography there was a hip roll that I couldn't get the hang of, because I am not a very sexy person. So, in order to help me, Hoseok had me hold his hips while he moved. Keeping eye contact and biting his lips, feeling his hips roll and sway made me shiver. 

          One day, the practice was too intensive even for them

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One day, the practice was too intensive even for them. The boys were learning a new choreography that was harder than they were used to and no one understood enough to be able to explain it to me, so I decided to sit out and enjoy watching them struggle. I helped where I could, fetching them water and handing out towels, but mainly watched. I made sure to make a big and healthy dinner that night, and sat back and enjoyed watching them all eat quickly and leave for bed. I had found that the more I came to know them, the more I craved their health. I wanted so badly for them all to be healthy and happy, so much so that I found enjoyment in seeing them make good choices. After everything was taken care of that night I decided to take a shower. Everyone was in bed so I didn't worry about taking my clothes into the bathroom, just a big towel. I found myself doing what moves I had caught onto in the shower and singing what I remembered from the new song. It was catchy and upbeat, definitely the reason why Monsta X was always my favorite. When my shower was done, I wrapped the towel around me and hurried down the hall to my room. I was humming the song, not paying any attention to my surroundings. Upon entering my room, I only became aware of his presence when I heard my bedroom door click shut. I turned around to see Hoseok standing in its place.

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