When given the option, who would you pick?
Tsuki had no idea what she was getting into when she accepted the live-in maid job at the town home in downtown Seoul. But when the boys of Monsta X start asking for more than just cooking and cleaning, ho...
Three. Full. Days. For three full days Hyunwoo was bed ridden, getting up only to go to the bathroom and come back to bed. He barely ate, and what we did force down, his body forced back up. I slept on the floor, too afraid that the second I got up to leave him he would need me. I left the room very little, only to make sure that the rest of the boys had what they needed for the day, but I was constantly rushed back to Hyunwoo's side. The boys would whine that with Kihyun stepping up to do the cooking that they would get sick themselves, but that was the least of my worries. By the third night I thought about taking him to the hospital.
But on the third morning, the fever broke. And for the first time, he was able to sleep through the night. I was jolted awake by the sound of snoring, something that I had not heard at all. Before, if there were any sounds while he slept they were gentle moans of pain or discomfort, but snoring... that was new. I crawled over to the bed, careful to not make a sound, and gently placed my hand on his forehead. It was cool! I let my hand fall down to the bed where I lay my own head against it, thankful that the fever had broke. He was asleep and finally, after three days, he was getting better.
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But my exhaustion was just as high as his and, unfortunately, almost at its limit. I felt myself drifting off to sleep there, leaning against his bed. I knew I should move, I should go to my own room and get some sleep before he woke up, but what if he still needed me? What if it wasn't completely gone, but just the eye of the hurricane? I felt myself jerking, trying not to fall asleep, at least not in this position. But when I felt hands on my cheek, I jolted awake again.
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Our eyes were locked and he had a drowsy look of awe on his face. He was so tired, but in that moment he looked more concerned. I started to get up about to say how I had only come over to check his temperature, then he grabbed my wrist. "Lay down." He said, pulling my wrist ever-so-gently towards the bed. I grew wide-eyed, not knowing if I had heard him right. But god his bed looked so comfortable, and I didn't know if I could make it down the stairs without collapsing. But I didn't move, just stared at him like a deer in headlights. "Tsuki-ah... lay down, you look like you're the one getting sick. You have done so much for me, lay down. Please." he said, pulling with a bit more force.